Latest, day 16
Grand total = 497,143
Enemy total 496,637
RATIO (133 to win) 1.0010
Grand total = 496,639
Enemy total 497,143
RATIO (133 to win) 0.9990
Action 8 (minor, no MP battle).
6pm Mar 16th, day 16.…darkness has fallen.
Minor scouting skirmish south of THORN.
Loses :
France 10
Russia 5
[Random dice throw x 5]
OOBs adjusted.
Action 9 (minor, no MP battle).
6pm Mar 16th, day 16.…darkness has fallen.
Minor scouting skirmish north east of GRAUDENZ.
Loses :
France 10
Russia 10
[Random dice throw x 5]
OOBs adjusted.
Action 10 (minor, no MP battle).
6pm Mar 16th, day 16.…darkness has fallen.
Extensive scouting actions reported all along the line of contact from east of GOSTYIN to west of KONIN
Loses :
France 100
Russia 150
[Random dice throw x 25]
OOBs adjusted.