Auteur Sujet: Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG  (Lu 38230 fois)

Hors ligne Count von Csollich

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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #60 le: 30 janvier 2010, 19:41:31 pm »
Well the way I found out is that the game will crash anyway  :twisted:...because I never got "1813" working for more than 20 minutes... :evil:
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Re : Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #61 le: 30 janvier 2010, 19:43:49 pm »
Well the way I found out is that the game will crash anyway  :twisted:...because I never got "1813" working for more than 20 minutes... :evil:

Well, I had more luck  8)

Hors ligne malcolm_mccallum

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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #62 le: 31 janvier 2010, 18:30:58 pm »
It doesn't solve anyone else's problem for getting a Campaign system for Histwar:Les Grognards, but I am really hoping that the game allows my web-based campaign system (designed for miniatures) to finally get the option to choose to fight some battles in near-to-real-time on-line. The problem that I expect to have is the difficulty in generating quick semi-random OOBs without having to go in an define every battalion. When I need to generate a weak French infantry division, I will want a means to have a way of generating it, even if it is just an allocation of point limits. And then the trouble will be translating game results back into the campaign system. As a bonus, I'll want to be able to save maps for each city so my players will be able to inspect battlefields when they are planning. Of course, with 1750 towns and growing, it can at best be a small database of battlefield maps created and saved as maps are needed.

The current Peninsular campaign that I'm running is open only to locals so that we can play miniature games from it but one day, if this game is capable of meeting the needs, it might be again opened to international players with the interesting battles resolved using this game.

 Log of our current campaign from the Spanish perspective:

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #63 le: 31 janvier 2010, 20:35:18 pm »
We will be starting a campaign very soon, using (EiANW) Empire in Arms Napoleonic Wars with 3 players as heads of state, Corps and Armies that are available will be assigned to each player for HW:LG battles.
Most EiANW area battles will be using the HW:LG Campaign maps for Army manouvers.
All the unnecesary phases will be skipped, as EiANW has this option available now, and using the editor functions we will have a short 1805 Campaign.  Apart from the standing OOB the purchasing of troops will be using the EiANW Economic System.
We have a conversion system in place and looks to work well.
We plan next to have a Russian Campaign after that. Using a combination of the same systems.  Most the work has been done all we will be looking for is reliable players.
We anticipate that the Campaign will go fo a maximum of 2 to 3 months.
Thanks for your attention
« Modifié: 31 janvier 2010, 20:38:38 pm par gazfun »
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Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #64 le: 02 février 2010, 13:49:26 pm »
Thank you, Tiraulleur -- that's already better technical support for CotD than Matrix Games has given us in years! Harry, have you tried those settings? I had my CotD running in Vista on Win95 compatibility mode, but I didn't have those other two "preference" boxes checked. I'm going to try that and see what happens. Maybe we can get our campaign going after all (?)

I've just tried them and...   no.  No joy.  Same problem of the missing 'battleback' .bmp    When I first got CotD, it was running on an ancient desktop machine in XP and it did run for me.  I couldn't find any opponents to make games intersting but I must admit that it ran.  That machine died and I upgraded to an HP laptop and I've never got it running since.  Nor will it run on my Lenovo work laptop. :(

What is COCAT?  Googled but didn't see anything that looked like it sensibly related to the comment.

Has anyone heard of Gamemaker 7 from Yo Yo Games.  Looks like an application you'd use to create kids games but who knows...
« Modifié: 02 février 2010, 14:00:19 pm par HarryInk »
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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #65 le: 03 février 2010, 18:36:32 pm »
The original DOS version of the Carnage and Glory computer moderated rules system included both a tactical and strategic element. The strategic element was designed to run user created campaigns and generate miniatures scenarios that would be resolved on the tabletop. The condition of units, fatigue, attrition, etc would be reflected in order of battle for the tactical battle and the results of the miniatures battle would then be returned to the campaign.

When the tactical system transitioned to a windows environment the campaign system was not upgraded. The creator is now working on bringing the campaign system into Windows. One of the options he's looking at is the ability to use the campaign system with tactical rules other than the CG tactical system. This would allow some sort of coordination between Histwar and the CG system to run campaigns.


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Re : Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #66 le: 07 février 2010, 03:46:08 am »
Campaigns on the Danube is good but is a bit clucky when it comes down to the translations between programes.
In all it worked ok, but it left holes in relation to troops on the march, how many where in hospitals and the supply issue was hard to keep track of at times.

I think that supply and troop recuperation and replacement need to be streamlined if a workable campaign is going to be set up, at least at first.  Since the game already incorporates lines of operation, we should base supply on this somehow.

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Re : Re : Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #67 le: 07 février 2010, 12:08:24 pm »
I think that supply and troop recuperation and replacement need to be streamlined if a workable campaign is going to be set up, at least at first.  Since the game already incorporates lines of operation, we should base supply on this somehow.

You can make simple rules in a very large scale and instead of playig single battle just use the "campaign map" to portrait a region, for istance a sector of Piedmont or a sector o Danube valley and let's play with the campaign map.
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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #68 le: 08 février 2010, 04:53:49 am »
There is an old utility called Staff Map Assistant (smaz).  It runs in Vista and allows you to load a map, set up and OOB and track units over time.  It would probably be best for a moderated campaign.

You can get smaz for free on this page.

Not sure its a good fit, but it might be...

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Re : Re : Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #69 le: 08 février 2010, 09:14:22 am »
I think that supply and troop recuperation and replacement need to be streamlined if a workable campaign is going to be set up, at least at first.  Since the game already incorporates lines of operation, we should base supply on this somehow.
yes with the system I had advocated before this is all encompassing.
We would probably get as many people to run seperate Campaigns for there own purposes and  experience for all who want it
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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #70 le: 09 février 2010, 15:52:51 pm »
I ran an 1866 Prussia v Austria online campaign with 6 friends last spring. We had been hand ringing on how to do a decent online campaign with, similar to here, everyone trying to find some sort of perfect system that addressed everyone's need.

I decided to just go for it. Ultimately I went to the Kriegspiel website and looked at the materials, found a map of the Koniggratz area, put it into powerpoint and went to town. I very slowly added more players as time went on. Eventually I transitioned to the Austrian Army maps of Bohemia drawn up in 1890s as the basis for the campaign. I created my own graphics and things were passed along through ppt.

For resolving major battles I used Carnage and Glory again on the PPT. I would fight the battles my self giving commanders relevant info and getting relevant orders and intent from them since in real life they would not be sitting around telling every squadron and battalion what to do. I worked out the timings of couriers and the fog of war (I spent 25 years in Army so know a thing or two about both friction and how people thing in these types of situations). During battles I would update the commanders as I saw fit sometimes in 15 min increments sometimes 30 mins based on where they were and their initial intent. It became complex at time when you have say six guys fighting a battle but this was all PBEM and worked out great as it was mostly a tactical decision game for them.

The center of the game became the personalities of the commanders. Two of the players were serving or recently retired military officers. I put both on the Prussian side to give those Prussians that edge in professionalism. I did keep them off balance with occasional or obstructionist stupid superiors or subordinate NPCs that they Ultimately they also had a had to deal with a third player tat knew NOTHING about wargaming or military stuff which sort of worked out like a political crony.

For roleplaying the Austrians I had two veteran gamers who also btw in real life are always nipping at each other so this gave me just the right amount of court intrigue. The overall commander was also new to horse and musket which helped with the sort of basic ineptitude some commanders  were afflicted with at that time.

It should be noted that none of the players knew who was playing what role OR if any of the  other guys were NPCs or real humans.

Hors ligne Los

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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #71 le: 09 février 2010, 16:17:15 pm »
As far as the conduct of the campaign it took about 8 weeks in real time and ultimately consumed everyone with the incredible experience. Everyone roleplayed their roles very well. There were times when each player was shaking with rage and frustration, even a few hints at potential duels. I served as both GM but also chief of staff for each side to occasionally make suggestions to the commander to help steer things along. Suggests they could either take or ignore.

The Austrians were at all times in a disadvantage. They had more troops, but of more uneven quality. They had a wider range of incompetent  generals above and below them some of whom had different political motives for what they did, as well as various court intrigues. Also they had less military experience, which led to lack of clarity in their communications and coordinations as well as lack of establishing a good unity of command, which, given the court intrigues, they were never going to get anyway. They made up for this with aggressiveness, some creativity, some unpredictability, and for one of them, a quick learner. Also they were in friendly territory and had the advantage of civilian population intel whenever they thought to ask for it. They had larger forces but these forces were much more ponderous to get going.

The Prussians had the advantage of professionalism, they understood the basic principles such as mass, unity of command, clarity of orders, maintaining an effective reserve, reconnasaince, operational planning. They had disadvantages in that they were in unknown, unfriendly territory, the onus of the  attack,and also never enough forces.

Ultimately the real challenge for both sides was one of limited intelligence and make decisions without knowing everything. How to mitigate this disadvantage, and operate within it became the keys to success of failure. Very rapidly one learned not to throw away their light cavalry in battle when on all the other days between heavy combat is when you need those guys to do that work effectively. once side made this mistake up front and had a difficult time recovering from it.

 The ability to effective plan pre battle and lay out the commanders intent so commanders can operate effectively ina  dearth of guidance and information was key.

Also this was not some even fight with carefully balanced points driven forces. That doesn't happen in real life. How one side's commanders could deal with this fact and operate within these parameters, was a test of their character. In the end as the campaign was moving along and getting long in the tooth, the King back in the capital threw in the towel based on a  decisive massive battle occurring somewhere else in the war. But then again stuff like that happens.

Ultimately in our campaign everyone had a great time. Nothing happened in tis campaign that did not happen in real life at some point or another during 1860s warfare. Bravery, savagery, blundering, incompetence, miscommunication etc all led to various events grave and farcical. Te enjoyment was less about the tools we used and more about the interactions and decisions players were faced with. Everyone came away a little more humble about what they thought they could accomplish in these situations when they were faced with the twin devils of friction and lack of information. Cheers..


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Re : Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #72 le: 09 février 2010, 18:25:11 pm »
I ran an 1866 Prussia v Austria online campaign with 6 friends last spring.

Thanks for sharing, Los.
I enjoyed reading your story. Sounds like Fun, but much seems to depend on having a good game master.

Hors ligne Los

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Re : Let's figure out a way to do campaigns with LG
« Réponse #73 le: 09 février 2010, 21:27:25 pm »
Yes that's the point, a successful campaign requires a good GM. the tools are the tools, but it's the interactions and the "roleplaying" of the commanders personalities and the lack of intel and the commanders . It's not like all the commanders we re pulling along together in the best interests of their side to win the war for Napoleon. So to some extent each Corps commander/Marshall should have his own secret set of personal of goals, other than "your side wins".  Perhaps victory conditions like:

Your side wins.
Your side wins but you corps has suffered the least amount of casualties.
Your side wins but has garnered the most amount of kills
Your  side wins   and you have captured the most enemy cities
Your side wins and your corps never helps X's corps since he's banging your wife on the side.
Your side wins  and you hate Russians so you refuse to ever cooperate with them (Say you are Austrian)
You win if you have limited your casualties to <10%  irregardless if you win or lose.

etc etc

To have a campaign without these factors is not realistic, much like playing a wargame that takes no account for unit morale. Also the GM can smooth over and take in account/mitigate any shortcomings or pitfalls in the actual campaign tool.

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Missing file from Campaigns on the Danube
« Réponse #74 le: 14 février 2010, 12:14:31 pm »
Frank Hunter, the very nice designer of CotD, has responded to my whinging on the Matrix site & provided me with a missing file from the game, the absence of which mean it wouldn't work.

The file is the BattleBack from the background folder in graphics.  If you have the same problem, please PM me with an email addy and I'll email you the file.

@ Broadsword:  This might mean we can finally start our CotD campaign, as I now seem to be able to use the program. :D
« Modifié: 14 février 2010, 12:16:10 pm par HarryInk »
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