Units can't continue fighting forever.
We are talking about a day here.
Actually, we're talking about
hours here. Units can only stand in combat for a certain amount of time before they're going to be ineffective.
These are what some other games call "routs". They've routed off the battlefield and are no longer combat effective.
I would like to see these guys "rallied" in the rear and re-form, even if not capable of fighting again
It's happening, just off the map. There's no reason to render a huge mass of units near the rally point/lines of communication if they're not going to be going back into the battle. Just think of it as, the rally point is off the map.
If they don't leave the map, you'll end up chasing them all over the battlefield at some point. We used to do that in Sid Meier's Gettysburg a lot.
Do you all think 30% in the screen shot in the first post is too high for BOTH sides ?
I think if you divide the number of runaways by the number of units out of the map from a previous analysis screen to get the number of runaway men per unit, you'll find the number are more reasonable.
If we rephrase your question to be, "Do I think the number of units leaving the map is too high" then I have to say I'm surprised it's as low as it is. I expect a unit to have only one or two fights in them before they are no longer effective.