I'm confused about the "tactical plan" view in the Orders tab of F8:
Example: It is 8:30 a.m. and I am about to start the game. Before starting the game, I give a "deploy on line order" to Corps X at a place that the distance/time cursor tells me is 25 minutes away. I tell the corps to execute the order immediately. So I'm thinking that Corps X should arrive at its intended destination at around 9:00 a.m. But when I look at the "Tactical PLan," the attack arrow for Corps X points to the destination and the time listed at the destination is 8:30 a.m.
I thought the whole point of the Tactical Plan view is to show you the estimated time where all your forces will be at a particular moment in the future. That way, you can coordinate your orders and delays to have troops arrive in coordinated spots. Instead, it seems to show me only the time of execution, leaving me to guess what time it would be when the unit arrives.
I'm using Grognard settings, so is this why? Please help.