Have followed the development of this game through the forums for a while now and appealt to me as the most interesting project I have come across. I am full of enthusiasm for the game and wish JMM well in his endeavors.
I will be purchasing the game in pre order over the next day or so, if only to support the game developers.
Having played the demo several times I must say that at the higher command level the game really gives the feel of managing a Napoleonic battle. Well obviously I never managed a real Napoleonic battle
but have years of wargaming under my belt and consider myself very well read in the period.
The downside is the silly action of individual units - squadrons, battalions and regiments on the 3D battle field view. During the demo I have seen most of the unusual events that have been reported on this forum and more. In my last game I saw two battalions of guard infantry literally walking through to the middle of a Russian regimental formation and exchanging fire with another Russian unit a little further away.
I have read the caveats regarding the demo and how things will be different in the launched game. I really hope this will be the case. If not this game really is going to get a slating from both games reviewers and purchasers. The majority of who want to see battles unfold in the 3D view in a consistent and realistic manner.
There is a great deal of enthusiasm and support within this community. I can only suggest to JMM that he take advantage of this last opportunity and releases the current version of the game to the pre order community for the purpose of further testing and feedback prior to a enhanced release of the game to an unforgiving and unsympathetic general public.