After several years of development, it is time to fully unveil HistWar: Les Grognards. It is not without emotion that we move on to the first step of the final phase: the beginning of pre-sale!
All information is available at our online store here: title of “Grenadier HistWar” will be assigned to those who will buy the game during the pre sale period (you have to be a registered user on our dedicated forum to get the title). This title will give you access to a restricted forum.
The duration of this phase is without doubt limited, since we plan to make “HistWar: Les Grognards” available around Christmas.
The boxed versions (the collector edition “Napoleon” and the “Grognard” edition) will be delivered in January 2010.
However, the 3 versions (1 online + 2 boxes) will be downloadable at the date of release of the Game; an email will be sent specifying a serial number.
The LAN game requires one license for 2 computers.
That’s all for the essential stuff.
Let me wish you a Happy Holiday season… And as much happiness with the Grognards.
I hope you will have as much fun playing as I had developing it