A couple of good books on the subject of napoleonic warfare which haven't been mentioned:
The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon by Gunther E. Rothenberg
Mammoth Book of Soldiers at War : Firsthand Accounts of Warfare from the Age of Napoleon by Jon E. Lewis also more recently:
Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age 1789-1815 by Michael Pavkovic, Iain Dickie, Kevin F. Kiley, and Frederick C. Schneid
Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age 1792-1815: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics by Robert B. Bruce, Iain Dickie, and Kevin KileyAs for the Peninsular War there is always the classic accounts by William Napier in 6 volumes (an eyewitness to the war) or Charles Oman's 7 volume magnum opus from the 1900s (still in print and available from Greenhill books), but the best recent accounts in English are those of Charles Esdaile and those of Ian Fletcher.
There are of course loads of books on specific battles, particular campaigns and the different armies of the period and their uniforms as a browse on amazon will confirm! I particularly liked the books by Elting and the recent one by C.E.Franklin:
Napoleonic Uniforms 4 Volumes by John R. Elting based on paintings by Kopel (v.expensive!)
British Napoleonic Uniforms: A Complete Illustrated Guide to Uniforms, Facings and Lace: A Complete Illustrated Guide to Uniforms and Braids - Hardcover (12 May 2009) by C.E. Franklin (bit of a bargin this one)there are countless osprey publications for individual units but the recent compilations are reasonably priced:
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars: Detailed Information on the Unifroms of the Austrian, British, French, Prussian and ... with Additional Material on the Minor Forces - Hardcover (26 May 2006) by Digby Smith
Armies of the Napoleonic Wars: An Illustrated History (General Military) by Chris McNab (Hardcover - 10 Jun 2009)And what happened to the poor bloody wounded?......Three graphic accounts by medical practicioners
Men of Steel: Surgery in the Napoleonic Wars by Michael Crumplin
A Surgical Artist at War: The Paintings and Sketches of Sir Charles Bell 1809-1815 - Paperback (Jun 2005) by M K H Crumplin and P Starling
Larrey:Surgeon to Napoleon's Imperial Guard. Robert G RichardsonThen there are the amazing battle paintings of Francois Lejeune which are filled with detail he had seen as an eyewitnes to many of the famous battles (he was aide de camp to Berthier): crossing of the Rhine 1795, Lodi 1796, Battle of the Pyramids 1798, Battle of Mount Tabour in Syria 1798, Aboukir 1799, Marengo 1800, Austerlitz 1805, Semoiserra 1808, seige of Saragossa 1808, Barrosa (Chiclana) 1811 , Ambushes of french convoys by spanish guerillas, Borodino 1812... The paintings are in the collection at Versailles but are often reproduced and images can be seen on line at
http://www.photo.rmn.fr then look up Lejeune Louis Francois (1775-1848)....
Lejeune also wrote a memoir which recounts many of the incidents which he had portraid. It is still in print in 2 paperback volumes published by leonaur:
Lejeune: the Napoleonic Wars Through the Experiences of an Officer of Berthier's Staff
by Louis-Francois, Lejeune
well you did ask