1 Manual contains some odd quirks. When did rectangles become parallelograms for example? Worse, some of the keys are incorrectly specified - the manual is actually providing disinformation.
Feel free to make a list of corrections. That's what I did when I first got the manual. You'll find things I missed.
2 Musket sounds are dreadful.
The musket sounds appear to have been taken from recordings of actual Napoleonic era muskets being fired. It's not what we're used to hearing in games.
4 The user interface is awful - lots of impenetrable data but virtually no easily accessible information. The F3 data displays are hard on the eyes - very pixellated.
There's a lot of data. Eventually you get used to finding what you need.
If you can set up your graphics card to use 4x antialiasing and 8x anisotropic filtering, you might like the way it looks better. This doesn't do much for the pixelation of the font, but changing to a higher screen resolution will help some. Also, press the F key to change to an alternate font.
5 The sound balance is way out. Why are the ambient environmental sounds so overstated?
Which sounds? The birds? I haven't really noticed an imbalance in the sounds. Is this in the first tutorial or in the full Montebello battle?
6 The F3 view looks nothing like (yes, nothing like) the layout of a Napoleonic army. It does look like a miniatures game. Why the massive separation between units?
The separation is to give each unit room to deploy in line. It looks odd at first because you're used to seeing miniatures, where everyone is close together.
Copying as much of Sid Meire's work as possible would have been so much more productive.
Sid Meier's Gettysburg was a good game for the day. You might remember my fansite, Gettysburg Annex, which is now mostly in archive mode. Breakaway Games did two Napoleonic games based on the engine. These were good too, but they weren't simulations.
Histwar is a simulation. Things are very different. There is very little micromanagement. Once you get used to the idea that you, as the army commander, give orders to the corps commanders who carry them out with considerable autonomy you might find you like the game.
I think a lot of people find the demo a little odd at first. Most of them have come around and are praising it now.