Dear english speakers, below is a translated text from the french forum. I do it in order to ot let you ignore my thinking.
I am more and more convinced that most of those who vote "against" will be the less inclined to pay for the complete program, if they deign pay for this face the urchins in their pockets.
Indeed, How explain that they can be satisfied with a tiny demo, whereas: -
after the testers the complete version is less subject to "bugs"?
- Several offer to pay for a beta version of complete game.
Other quirk JMM you seem wallow in a kind of track garage which is the demo. More buggy as the complete version, according to the testers for two years!. Why would we doubt their word???
Thus, less than fail once more to his word that the complete version will be available for 31 December 2009 at the latest, there are only three weeks before to the release of the "thing".
JMM, please do not misunderstand. I am strongly avid to practice the complete version, even if incomplete, as well as it has been proposed on the forum english.
That is basically, what i propose :
- you will offer download against payment, the full version (yes with some flaws, we know . All the IA would not yet operational, we know );
- you open a forum accessible only to holders of this program. Thus, these will office of testers really motivated (yes, is that they will have been paid the braves!) . No baffles on details really secondary, this would be the strong!
What do you JMM? going forward, sabre clear! Hèh this is not by chance that my avatar is a hussar ("a hussar which is living following 35 years is a jean-foutre", in a few months I have the double, but I try to catch up with me . Joke aside, on the substance,i am quite serious).
I come back to the demo. How to explain this hard on this secondary objective which, if it continues repel the timetable close to indefinitely?
Would you not fallen into the trap of the vexation caused by the refusal of ---------? If yes, I would urge you, catch yourself. There is no shame to recognize have fallen into a trap also sneaky psychologically and in which we would all have stumbled. On the contrary, it would be fair-play. "Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum" (thanks to pages roses of the "Petitl Larousse Illustraté"! For a semblance of clearcoat cultural, nothing of such! Note added for my english friends, it is a dictionnary with some pages with latin expressions).
Do not lose the cap, the priority objective is and must remain the complete game (even if ... yeah, yeah we well know ).