Holdit, I think that you've become so intent on winning your argument that you've forgotten why we're here.
This isn't about winning an argument at all - it's about getting the game right. But if I'm wrong,
prove me wrong, don't just tell me I'm wrong.
I'm here because I believe that HLG has the potential to be the most historically accurate Napoleonic battlefield game created for the computer. Like anyone else who sees aspects of the game that fall below that standard, I point them out in the hope of seeing them addressed. I'm here because I really really want HLG to succeed, but if it fails in its aim, I don't want it to be because I failed to speak up with others in pointing out problems. If the problems I point out aren't really problems, then I'm happy to be corrected - but using real evidence and argument from a historical point of view - which makes the problem one of my perception and thus makes it go away. Lovely. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is pretending that problems aren't really problems just because some people don't mind that they're problems, or because there is some gamey workaround. No game with the word "grognards" in its title should satisfy itself with this approach, if it is worthy of the name. I assume you're aware that "grognard" means "grumbler" and therefore I am proceeding in the finest grognardly tradition - but with the best of intentions.
Now tell me why you're here.
Until you figure out what we're doing here, it's not worthwhile to argue with you.
Why? Because I place a higher value on historicity over gameplay? If so, guilty as charged m'lud - and proud of it.
One thing you have done: even though I think artillery is too strong FOR GAMING PURPOSES, I will resist making it weaker.
What on earth does "FOR GAMING PURPOSES" mean? If it's wrong, it's wrong; if it's right, it's right.
The only experts in playing HWLG are the long time beta testers,
Agreed, but I don't see what difference that makes.
and the few experts in Napoleonic tactical warfare haven't said much.
And how have you identified these - is there a list?
There are plenty of "gaming" experts, but experience in Tetris, TW or tic-tac-toe doesn't count.
Coming from someone who is happy to leave artillery too powerful "FOR GAMEPLAY PURPOSES", I can't help but savour the irony in this jibe.
I know where to find the real Napoleonic experts online, and when the demo is updated I'll be doing just that. If adjustments are needed to the game, they'll be able to tell us with some authority.
So do I, but I'd say you have quite a few here already.
From everything I've seen so far in the game, JMM is a Napoleonic expert.
I would agree, and I enthusiastically salute his intentions with this game - and what he has acheieved so far, but that doesn't make him, his design or his code infallible and doesn't mean that the game can't be improved.