I think it's fair to say the artillery have to be subdued before any hope of a winning attack can be made. There is always the danger that artillery can dominate the game to much, but I guess it did 200 years ago, the problem is finding a reasonable comprimise to keep it that way in game play terms WITHOUT it being totally unbeatable, because it was not for real, otherwise neither side would ever have closed to contact each other on the battlefield.
Well, you cannot muzzle artillery because it is like it used to be in History. That would be a bad and childish behaviour...
The fact is : artillery is very powerful.
Then, before getting back to TW, ask yourselves the right question :
- what can I do to beat a strong battery ?
Some answers :
- flank it.
- concentrate a stronger battery in front of it.
- forget about going through it, and take advantage of many cannons being in that particular place to attack elsewhere.
Moreover, french artillery has already been muzzled by JMM because it was... invicible. The french 12£ were unbeatable because it had the highest range. The compromise does exist between French and Coalition's artilleries.
But, artillery is still powerful. Reducing its power would be, in my opinion, pointless.
I lost the best part of two Corps attacking an artillery poistion of six or eight guns and didn't shift them! One Corps was mostly infantry one completely cavalry. The infantry seem to break, route and then come back, often only to break again. The cavalry stood off in front of the guns and waited there until they broke. I would have to say that artillery is too powerful! Reading the links above I should perhaps have made more of an effort to flank the position but there is always more artillery scattered accross the battlefield either side.
This problem can be interesting, but too much of it leads to things bogging down into one big artillery duel. What concerns me most is it stops the infantry getting into the fight, frustrating me with constant routs/rally/rout?? At least its affect on infantry could be 'cooled' somewhat...
Eight guns stopped your two corps. I'm completely ok with that, because you had no artillery. That's the reason why balanced corps with cavalry, infantry and artillery are stronger than only-infantry or cavalry corps, especially against batteries.
The impact on moral in the game seems to me an illustration faithful to reality.
Think about the charge of the light brigade at Balaclava (1854). Bravoury was quite useless against fifty guns.
Therefore, instead of crippling artillery we may deal with it.
For instance, during the battle of Montebello (in the demo) I beat three corps which had fifty guns, with two corps and thirty guns. I just ordered to my artillery to shell ennemy artillery in priority.
Good evening,