Ok, let's see. The game works for a while, then Vista reports an error, the game stops working, and reinstalling the game doesn't make it work.
If everything else was the same (using admin accounts, etc) and a reinstall didn't fix it, then we need to look outside the box a bit.
Uninstall and make sure all the files and folders for the game are deleted except for the original game package you downloaded that will be used for an install.
Install the game to a different folder than "Program Files", such as C:/Games.
If it still doesn't work, have you installed any new programs or run any updates, especially Windows updates or driver updates? This shouldn't mess anything up, but you never know. Is it possible that Windows did an automatic update?
If you're getting to the menu where you can select Solo, then the program is starting. When you join the battle, you are on the 3D map. What happens when you try to join the battle? Does the 3D map appear, or does Windows complain?
We'll go from there when we find out.