Wow, lots of anguish over here...and as would be expected, some of the most fervent banner-waving past worshipers are among the most disappointed ones
Relax, guys, it is just a game. And as any reasonable PC-gamer knows, there are NO perfect games, there are even no finished games at release time. EVERY PC game is unfinished and buggy at release. But only some go through the necessary patching. Why would you expect LG to be different ?
Even if the game gets more delays, even if it is released only in 2020, it will always have bugs.
Some feedback from my limited testing of the demo:
I only played the first 2 tutorials yet, due to lack of free time
I am playing in a desktop PC with WinXP SP2, Intel Core 2 7400, 4 Gig RAM, ATI 4670. Directx 9.0c and ATI 9.4 drivers.
- Installation went fine. The unfortunate error in the start menu link should have been corrected prior to release and must not happen in the final game.
- Clunky (as expected) but complete and complex interface
- 3D graphics serviceable (as expected). Amazing variety of views of the battlefield
- Clumsy english translation - as expected
- A very complex gameplay - and some of the problems I and others are facing have to do with it. More feedback - visual, audible, text - would go a long way to make things clearer. For instance, to understand if a corps commander has indeed received orders or not. If he is going to fulfill them or not and why. Why a unit routs. Etc. And I definitely must read TFM
- No CTD so far. Not even while hovering in the edges of the maps...
- First tutorial: Noticed the teleporting of the arty and cav units and the "disappearance" of the inf unit (in the 3d views - they seem to be there in the 2d view)
- Second tutorial: No major problems. No disappearing units, no teleporting, no CTD. Again some feedback of what my corps commander was doing with my orders would be good. One of my scouting cav units got too close to the enemy and then routed. The only feedback was seeing them move with the "Escape" order in the unit card. I do not understand exactly why they routed, as no fight took place and they were in good shape, apparently, and I also do not understand why they did not rally. I gave my corps commander orders to rally all units. The fleeing unit went pass my full-force advancing corps and my corps and army commander but kept running until they disappeared. My other cav unit went to the flank of the austrians. I gave an order to attack, they advanced but then they stopped and kept still, no matter what orders I gave them (attack, move). Maybe some bugs, but maybe also something that is happening that I do not understand or have done wrong. Again, more feedback would be great.
Nevertheless, I am enjoying it so far. I am going to buy the game when it is released. The problems that have been reported, specially the CTDs some have experienced, and the disappearing units, must be corrected. But even so I fully expect the game to have bugs, probably lots of them. And I expect JMM to patch them, of course