Auteur Sujet: demo  (Lu 133222 fois)

Hors ligne Cpl Steiner

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #135 le: 29 novembre 2009, 22:06:53 pm »
To unpack use that :

Just tried this and imported some TROM BattleSound musket .wav files into the demo and they kind of worked. However, sometimes there were so many muskets going off it sounded like machine-gun fire. I don't know if this is because of the new .wavs I put in or if that is a bug with the current .wav files. Anyway, it looks very easy to mod the sound effects once people figure out what causes the machine-gun fire effect.

[EDIT]Just noticed that the "bit-rate" of the stock musket files in the demo are all 128 but the ones I imported from TROM BattleSounds are 705, so maybe that's why they sound like machine-gun-fire. Any ideas?
« Modifié: 29 novembre 2009, 22:18:07 pm par Cpl Steiner »

Hors ligne LordAshram

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Re : demo
« Réponse #136 le: 29 novembre 2009, 22:27:03 pm »
Just a guess, without looking at the files... it is probably just playing your single sound effect for every musket firing.  What you may want to do, eventually, is try to mod the game so it only plays a single sound effect no matter how many muskets are firing, and then insert the sound of a volley. 

Hors ligne trw2264

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Re : demo
« Réponse #137 le: 29 novembre 2009, 22:42:55 pm »
Anybody having a time warp issue? I will be playing the demo and then the game will minimize and then when I maximize the game the time takes me to at least 6 game hours into the future and the units are moving very very fast to catch-up with game time

Thank you.

Hors ligne Scotsman

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #138 le: 29 novembre 2009, 23:11:18 pm »
Anybody having a time warp issue? I will be playing the demo and then the game will minimize and then when I maximize the game the time takes me to at least 6 game hours into the future and the units are moving very very fast to catch-up with game time

Thank you.

Yes, just had that, went straight to the end game showing no strategic winner and 35% losses either side. Before I 'alt tabbed' the battle had no casulties.

Hors ligne Cpl Steiner

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #139 le: 29 novembre 2009, 23:29:56 pm »
Just a guess, without looking at the files... it is probably just playing your single sound effect for every musket firing.  What you may want to do, eventually, is try to mod the game so it only plays a single sound effect no matter how many muskets are firing, and then insert the sound of a volley. 

I removed the imported musket .wav files and restored the original ones and I still get machine-gun fire even with the time rate set to 60/60. Does anyone else get this? If so, I think it's the game rather than anything I did when trying to mod the sound effects.

If it's the game then it's another niggling thing that could do with being fixed.

Hors ligne von Döbeln

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Re : demo
« Réponse #140 le: 30 novembre 2009, 00:36:09 am »
I have heard the "machine guns" as well. I'm guessing the muset sounds "stack up" when a lot of muskets are fired at once and then played in sequence making it sound like a machine gun. Some tweaking of this would be nice for the immersion in the game.

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Hors ligne englishoo7

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Re : demo
« Réponse #141 le: 30 novembre 2009, 02:08:11 am »
Have had several battalions of infantry in column close up into an imposibly small space on more than one occasion. This usually ends up in a route.

Had a Corps of 4000 horsemen turn and escape (left the Battlefield) from enemy infantry without suffering one casualty?? I can understand them refusing to charge, but a whole Corps 'escaping' from the battle... Frustrating.  :(
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Hors ligne IRH

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Re : demo
« Réponse #142 le: 30 novembre 2009, 04:04:30 am »
I am having fun with the demo.  :D

There are a few things that bother me:

1) Artillery is too powerful at long range

2) Good quality units leave the battlefield without taking any losses, and not being shot at.

3) I flanked the Austrians in Tutorial 2 - an infantry regiment advanced near an artillery company, on the flank. They routed without being shot at, ran in front of the cannons and lost 1000 men when the Austrians started firing. The Corps AI then sent a reserve regiment to take their place. They also routed, ran in front of the cannons, and lost about 1200 men. This happened again, for 3 regiments total, and about 3500 casualties. Those 3 regiments then marched off the field...

4) Infantry facing the wrong way when shooting

5) Infantry close in with the bayonet, but they can stop and not do anything as the enemy fires volley after volley. I think the Regiment AI is confused, and when the battalion in front loses many men, it halts them to bring up the reserve battalion....but they all end up shot to pieces and run away.

6) Units try to rally in range of enemy artillery when they have room to get out of range

Hors ligne englishoo7

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Re : demo
« Réponse #143 le: 30 novembre 2009, 12:21:31 pm »
I have had the enemy HQ walk through my troops on severel occasions... anyone else get this?
Once more into the breach dear friends...

Hors ligne Moliere

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Re : demo
« Réponse #144 le: 30 novembre 2009, 12:38:34 pm »
Guys, don t forget that it is only a demo, so sounds problem can be normal.

Wait for the final game :)

Dès que l'infanterie aura abordé l'ennemi, nous chargerons sur les canons et leur bouclerons la gueule ! General Fournier a la berezina

Hors ligne Boney N

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Re : demo
« Réponse #145 le: 30 novembre 2009, 13:19:25 pm »
I think I found the following bug in demo tutorial:

I ordered Infy to support arty. Later ordered both to the same location.

There the 3D graphics showed only the arty not the Infy.

When ordering the Infy to some other location thereafter the Infy would not appear as a 3D graphic anymore but only as a green stain on the 3D battlefield.

Hors ligne Petrus58

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Re : demo
« Réponse #146 le: 30 novembre 2009, 14:06:26 pm »
I'm glad that I didn't post yesterday, as my initial impressions would have been a mix of frustration, due to frequent crashes, and a very steep learning curve.  Now, after a good many hours of playing I not only feel relatively confident with controls, etc, but can see that this is going to be an absolutely fantastic game. Congratulations to JMM (and everyone else involved of course).  Just one thought, if the demo had come with a readme, listing the advice found here (for example not changing options, compatability/admin rights, etc), then it might have saved some a lot of trouble.  I was always going to stick with it, but I wonder if less committed players may have given up?

Hors ligne von Döbeln

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Re : demo
« Réponse #147 le: 30 novembre 2009, 14:08:34 pm »
The smoke effect from artillery hitting their target is 200 meters up in the air in my game - is that intended?

I would prefer if you had to click on a unit or unit card to select that unit. As it is now whan you only have to move the cursor over the unit or card it's hard to know which unit you are actually seeing in the info box. Half the time I see enemy units since moving the camera often means moving the cursor over enemy units. It can get quite confusing IMO.

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Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #148 le: 30 novembre 2009, 14:19:33 pm »
The smoke effect from artillery hitting their target is 200 meters up in the air in my game - is that intended?

Yes. It represented shells howitzers explosion in the air (it was the fuse that determined the distance of explosion, but this was imprecised so shells used to explode when on the floor or in the air).
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Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : demo
« Réponse #149 le: 30 novembre 2009, 14:28:37 pm »
I've had some of the "problems" mentioned above and I guess I'm old enough to not be that surprised by them......I was able to change the options and play without any crash.

What does surprise me a little bit is that it's been tested for the last two years ?????????????????.

I'm sure when the snags have been sorted out it will be a great game and will take up many hours of play for those that want a SP game.......but is it a real MP game ? it ?......I'm not sure and as that's all I'm interested in it matters not how good or bad it is for SP - for me.