Auteur Sujet: demo  (Lu 133291 fois)

Hors ligne Fontanelli

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #120 le: 29 novembre 2009, 16:01:59 pm »


I give Vallin's Hussars to scout the crossroad in front of Stabloss

It says it will take 28 mins to reach the area

They are on place afdter 2 mins :shock:

same problem from crossroad to Stabloss
« Modifié: 29 novembre 2009, 16:42:37 pm par Fontanelli »

Hors ligne Fontanelli

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #121 le: 29 novembre 2009, 16:03:42 pm »
Thats probably because you set the game time to 10 mins real/1 min game time.

You can incrementally adjust the ingame time (speed up/slow down)


but time clock says

order transmitted at 10h00
order executed at 10h02 :roll:
can you try it?
same problem with time set to 60/60

« Modifié: 29 novembre 2009, 16:07:29 pm par Fontanelli »

Hors ligne Cpl Steiner

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Re : Re : demo 1st Impressions
« Réponse #122 le: 29 novembre 2009, 17:25:36 pm »
4. The tutorial crashes to desktop on 1st load then after that loads fine.

I get intermittent crashes whenever I try to start a battle then sometimes it just works after a crash without me changing anything.

6. No 'edge scrolling' I think the game would benefit from at least an edge scroll on the sides of the screen. This is especially useful if you are behind a large army 'in line formation' and want to scroll up a few regiments. The Mini Map 'jump to' is not accurate enough for smaller movements up the line. Rotating the map 90 degrees left to then scroll up the line and then rotating the map back 90 degrees right could prove difficult in the heat of battle if you do not want to take your eye off the enemy in front.

Agreed. Most games of this type allow you to "track" or "strafe" the camera as well as pan it left and right. I don't care how it's done - edge scroll or press "ALT or CTL" when scrolling - but without it the camera feels very unwieldy.

7. Could do with a 'back button' on the tutorial as an accidental double tap on the return key means you miss important information and have to reload the tutorial.

There is one already - backspace.

My overall impressions: The demo works (most of the time) and you can have a fairly fun battle but some of the UI features could do with some work. I would like to be able to look up and down as well as raise the height of the camera, and I want to be able to pan from side to side as well. When locked to a unit, I would also like to hover over the third or forth rank of a unit so I can see the first couple of ranks of a column as it moves forward - at the moment the camera is locked right in the front rank so you can only really see your men if you face to their rear.

On one occasion a unit seemed to just disappear in the 3d view - I think the game moved it magically to another part of the map several hundred metres away. It could be that the 3d engine and the 2d engine are sometimes not in sync.

Even with a few problems of this nature I would still buy the full game if it wasn't too pricey, but the bugs and UI issues would need to be ironed out with a fairly rapid series of patches.
« Modifié: 29 novembre 2009, 17:32:44 pm par Cpl Steiner »

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : demo
« Réponse #123 le: 29 novembre 2009, 17:45:52 pm »
Have to agree with above comment about the musket fire - it sounds horrible !.....but that's the bad bit.....seems a pretty good demo to me, there is always going to be little things wrong here and there but on the whole it's very good.........BUT, does anyone think this will be a good MP game ?, I'm not so sure, as a SP game I expect it to be exceptional, but MP, I'm not so sure.

I had a unit of Lancers take 2,700 prisoners, no idea who this happened but it's an interesting feature of the game that a large number of men will surrender rather than fight on and on and on....

Now I have to look at the manual agian to understand some basic features, at least giving orders is a lot easier than I expected, the layout and format is very easy to use although I don't understand yet why SOMETIMES I right click on the unit card and the camera goes to that unit, but some other times it don't ???.

Looking very good, but MP, I'm don't know yet, need to have some more time on it.

Hors ligne _Cambronne_

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Re : demo
« Réponse #124 le: 29 novembre 2009, 18:01:20 pm »
Sorry,but how can I save the damn battle???

Hors ligne von Döbeln

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Re : demo
« Réponse #125 le: 29 novembre 2009, 18:04:58 pm »
I agree that camera movement should be altered so strafing etc can be used (ordinary WASD setup would be nice) - as it is now the camera is quite difficult/cumbersome to control IMO. Ability to tilt the camera so I can see more of the ground and less of the sky would also be nice.

Sounds except bird song is extremely muffled. I can hardly hear the music or marching sounds at all.

In the Dispatch report from Legrand it says that losses is at 208% at the beginning of tutorial 2, and a bit into the battle it says 220%, so basically it seem I have negative 2 armies to start with.  ;)

Sometimes divisions within a regiment bunch up and stand on top of each other occupying the exact patch of ground. On several occasions I have thought that there was just one division left from the regiment, but on closer isnpection they were all there just incredibly/impossibly cramped together.

There is no attack command for the corps commander - so I can only make the corps attack by deploying in line as close to the enemy as possible for the regiments to initiate attacks by themselves (unless I detach the unit and gives it an attack command)?

In tutorial 2 the Austrians seem very passive. My hussars had charged and chased an enemy unit behind their lines and was positioned about 50 meters behind the commander, but no one seemed to notice or care when I charged their command unit. But maybe that's just because it  is a tutorial.

Had a fun battle though where I totally flanked the Austrian army (again they were very passive) and rolled up their line completely. :D

Let no bastard pass the bridge!

Hors ligne Cpl Steiner

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Re : demo
« Réponse #126 le: 29 novembre 2009, 18:59:38 pm »
In the "Sounds/Ambiance" folder there are .wav files called "Musket 1", "Musket 2" and "Musket 3". If you don't like the musket sounds, I'd recommend trying a .wav file from one of the excellent Empire Total War mods such as the "TROM BattleSounds" pack. I have it installed but don't know how to unpack them so if anyone does, I'd be interested to know.

Hors ligne bibouba

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Re : demo
« Réponse #127 le: 29 novembre 2009, 19:18:37 pm »
In the "Sounds/Ambiance" folder there are .wav files called "Musket 1", "Musket 2" and "Musket 3". If you don't like the musket sounds, I'd recommend trying a .wav file from one of the excellent Empire Total War mods such as the "TROM BattleSounds" pack. I have it installed but don't know how to unpack them so if anyone does, I'd be interested to know.

To unpack use that :

Hors ligne von_Clausewitz

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #128 le: 29 novembre 2009, 20:42:12 pm »
Sorry,but how can I save the damn battle???

When u quit the battle it is automatically saved.

La garde meurt mais ne se rend pas

Hors ligne headzombie

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Re : demo
« Réponse #129 le: 29 novembre 2009, 20:44:02 pm »
So far so good, no crashes and I can find my way around the menus and things.

Is it possible to add WASD or the arrow keys to also move the camera? As someone who plays a lot of RTS-like games my fingers keep going to those to get the camera to move!  :cry:

Hors ligne englishoo7

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Re : demo
« Réponse #130 le: 29 novembre 2009, 20:49:01 pm »
Have enjoyed the demo. I have got used to the camera controls and now think they are very easy. I could see multiplayer being good with fog of war on.
I have seen units bunching up and a couple of times units in the rear of the enemy very close that are not reacted to - this is a problem but I suppose we could say that the battlefield is a chaotic place.

 :arrow:Biggest problem is that there are no divisions - or at least none that I can order! I believe this is a HUGE problem. I cannot order, say a division, to hold a town (perhaps detatching it) or order two infanty divisions attack without detatching those units... I should be able to easily tell my corps commanders to do these things! There were divisions historically because they mattered.

This is constructive criticism... I think I might remember JMM talking about putting divisions in at a later date but I think the game suffers incredibly because of it. I am often just drawing lines of deployment with no input into the detail. Sometimes (though not always) this detail is really needed.

A great game. I will be buying it, (I have watched for so long it would be hard not to). Well done!
Once more into the breach dear friends...

Hors ligne D3m0

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Re : demo
« Réponse #131 le: 29 novembre 2009, 21:06:15 pm »
Anyone tried to mess around with the graphic settings besides resolution?
'#Jeu Textures' gives me a error message, and I don't see any difference when changing '#Densité arbres', '#Densité herbes', '#bumpmapping' and '#LoD'.

Some bugs/odd behavior I noticed:
- Infantry and artillery doesn't always really face the enemy it's shooting at
- Infantry sometimes dissolves into a chaotic 'cloud' while marching
- Cavalry charging through enemy units
- Counter battery fire is absolutely deadly, which wasn't the case historically, I guess the artillery is overall to accurate
- French fusiliers having 'feathers' instead of just the pompom at their shako
« Modifié: 29 novembre 2009, 21:08:06 pm par D3m0 »

Hors ligne Seelord

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Re : Re : demo
« Réponse #132 le: 29 novembre 2009, 21:33:57 pm »
:arrow:Biggest problem is that there are no divisions - or at least none that I can order! I believe this is a HUGE problem. I cannot order, say a division, to hold a town (perhaps detatching it) or order two infanty divisions attack without detatching those units... I should be able to easily tell my corps commanders to do these things! There were divisions historically because they mattered.

Actually you can give some commands to divisions and brigades. Left click on regiment, then left click on colonel's name, now you give some commands to brigade, another left click on brigade and you can give some commands to division.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Re : Re : demo 1st Impressions
« Réponse #133 le: 29 novembre 2009, 21:52:04 pm »
6. No 'edge scrolling' I think the game would benefit from at least an edge scroll on the sides of the screen. This is especially useful if you are behind a large army 'in line formation' and want to scroll up a few regiments. The Mini Map 'jump to' is not accurate enough for smaller movements up the line. Rotating the map 90 degrees left to then scroll up the line and then rotating the map back 90 degrees right could prove difficult in the heat of battle if you do not want to take your eye off the enemy in front.

Most games of this type allow you to "track" or "strafe" the camera as well as pan it left and right. I don't care how it's done - edge scroll or press "ALT or CTL" when scrolling - but without it the camera feels very unwieldy.

To move the camera sideways, hold down the SHIFT key while dragging with the right mouse button.


Hors ligne Uxbridge

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Re : demo
« Réponse #134 le: 29 novembre 2009, 21:56:02 pm »
Downloaded via torrent at about 30kps,  got the error about the missing link but of course the main .exe file is in program files\histwar\histwar la demo (the error is that the icon in start menu does not know about the demo folder) so no problem and just to see the lines of troops making those nice random movements with the birds tweeting on a lovely day in central Europe - thanks JMM, you have delivered.

One nasty graphics bug - move your camera through the village of Stabloss in the first tutorial and if a small movement puts in "inside" a building then the screen flickers so much it is painful to look at.  Also  putting the camera very close to an individual soldier also produces a serious distortion, like a photo stretched out, but this is no big deal.

I'm too excited to start setting up a fight  - I think I need to go through the tutorials slowly and understand which keys do what, and then have a read of the manual and see if it all starts to make sense.
« Modifié: 29 novembre 2009, 22:17:58 pm par Uxbridge »
Has anyone seen my leg?