Auteur Sujet: Corps,Division and brigade.  (Lu 36812 fois)

Hors ligne _Cambronne_

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Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #15 le: 25 novembre 2009, 08:58:44 am »
But when I detash a division puting it under direct command of the CinC,it becames a Corps and id has its own AI,hasn.t it?

Hors ligne Seelord

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Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #16 le: 25 novembre 2009, 09:25:55 am »
I think you can only detach regiments.

Hors ligne _Cambronne_

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Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #17 le: 25 novembre 2009, 09:42:30 am »
I think you can only detach regiments.

It cant be!! That's blasphemy !! :(

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #18 le: 25 novembre 2009, 10:41:07 am »
But when I detash a division puting it under direct command of the CinC,it becames a Corps and id has its own AI,hasn.t it?

Only units can be detached. If you have Corp commander without troop, you can put them under his command or you can put them under the command of another army corps (careful, a corp can't have more than 24 units)

Now, all the corps or troops of an army on the battlefield are under direct command of the CinC. I think you're talking about troops in reserve. Reserve must be organized before the battle begins and even troops in reserve like the Imperial Guard have a corp commander. So, you have to think about the units you want to keep in reserve before the battle begin (during planning phase) and give them a corp commander. In the case of you decide to reinforce your reserve during battle, you just have to detache the units from their original corp and attached them to the reserve corp. Now, the corps commanders may refuse to detached units from their corps if they consider that this action will put in danger the corp.
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Hors ligne _Cambronne_

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Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #19 le: 25 novembre 2009, 10:56:47 am »
ok I understood:practically we won't have any divisions or brigades...unfortunately.  :cry:  Still,why would there be division and brigade commanders within the OOB if there are no brigades or divisions? How would the division leaders practice their command if there is no such organisation?

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #20 le: 25 novembre 2009, 11:25:41 am »
ok I understood:practically we won't have any divisions or brigades...unfortunately.  :cry:  Still,why would there be division and brigade commanders within the OOB if there are no brigades or divisions? How would the division leaders practice their command if there is no such organisation?

To have a historical environment and because division and brigade AI are planned.
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”

Hors ligne _Cambronne_

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Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #21 le: 25 novembre 2009, 11:40:44 am »
Thank you very much for the effort to answer. Allthough a little bit dissapointed,I am eagerly waiting for the game and I am very confident that future releases will make it THE napoleonic game of all times! The concept in itself is remarkable.

Hors ligne LNDavout

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Re : Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #22 le: 25 novembre 2009, 11:42:13 am »
Corp isn't a 18th century organization but a Napoleonic one  ;).

LG organises armies in corps, divisions, brigades and regiments. But only corps and regiments have an AI.

As I see it the "AI" is your cantact to the Army. The AI orders the sub units in a napoleonic way what to do.

Normally Napleon will not order a single battalion ;)

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #23 le: 25 novembre 2009, 12:32:47 pm »
As I see it the "AI" is your cantact to the Army. The AI orders the sub units in a napoleonic way what to do.

Normally Napleon will not order a single battalion ;)

The regimental AI manages the regiments and arty cies according to the doctrine in order to leave the players free of micro management. Corps (or AI for corps) obey to the orders they receive from the CinC.
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”

Hors ligne Dagann

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Re : Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #24 le: 25 novembre 2009, 12:58:25 pm »
LG organises armies in corps, divisions, brigades and regiments. But only corps and regiments have an AI.
Arg, i didn't know that point :(

So, if i want to give orders to a division or a brigade, how can i do ?
Do i need to select all the regiments for a brigade and all the brigades for a division, if i want to command a brigade or a division ?

Let's say i have 2 corps under my command, each one made of 2 divisions. Each division represents 8 regiments. So 16 units by corps.
If i wish to give an advance order to half of my army, i should select 2 divisions.
But, since the AI division is not yet implemented, i will have to pick up by myself 16 units ?
Am i right ?
Cause i have the feeling i m misunderstanding something. :roll:

The regimental AI manages the regiments and arty cies according to the doctrine in order to leave the players free of micro management. Corps (or AI for corps) obey to the orders they receive from the CinC.
1/ So in a battle, i can control from the corps level to the regiment level ?

2/ But if i wish to micro-manage, can i command 1 battalion ?
Or is it 100% impossible ?

« Modifié: 25 novembre 2009, 13:00:54 pm par Dagann »

Hors ligne LegerDesOnheils

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Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #25 le: 25 novembre 2009, 13:42:13 pm »
I have a question relating to Dagann’s: When you choose to have an AI vs AI conflict you are able to Take Command (a deliberate reference to the so named game  ;)) of a corps. The similar question being, do you command via the division-brigade-regiment structure or do you have to order every individual unit around?
« Modifié: 25 novembre 2009, 13:46:04 pm par LegerDesOnheils »

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #26 le: 25 novembre 2009, 14:10:50 pm »
Let's say i have 2 corps under my command, each one made of 2 divisions. Each division represents 8 regiments. So 16 units by corps.
If i wish to give an advance order to half of my army, i should select 2 divisions.
But, since the AI division is not yet implemented, i will have to pick up by myself 16 units ?
Am i right ?

You have an army of 2 corps and you want to give an advance order to half your army. Well, if you have 2 corps, half your army represents 1 corp. Consequently, you will give the order to one of your corps  8).

For all other cases, units must be detached and micro managed or attached to another corp or to a corp commander without troops (when making an OoB, you can plan to have corp commander without any command, in the case you need one).

1/ So in a battle, i can control from the corps level to the regiment level ?

As the CinC, you can give orders to corps commanders and if for any reasons you need, for example, to send a recon.or bombard a zone, then you can order directly a cavalry regiment or an arty cy to do it.

2/ But if i wish to micro-manage, can i command 1 battalion ?

The basic unit in LG is the regiment or the arty cy. Whatever the number of battalions, squadrons or guns that the unit is composed of, you can't separate them from it.
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”

Hors ligne Dagann

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #27 le: 25 novembre 2009, 14:21:22 pm »
You have an army of 2 corps and you want to give an advance order to half your army. Well, if you have 2 corps, half your army represents 1 corp. Consequently, you will give the order to one of your corps  8).

For all other cases, units must be detached and micro managed or attached to another corp or to a corp commander without troops (when making an OoB, you can plan to have corp commander without any command, in the case you need one).

Thanks Lodi51.
I think i need to be more explicit.
Corps I: Division 1, Divison 2  Corps II: Divsion 3; Division 4
If i want to give a march order to half of my 2 corps; to be more precise: to divison 1 wich belongs to Corps I and division 4 wich belongs to Corps II.
How can i do that ?

« Modifié: 25 novembre 2009, 14:23:39 pm par Dagann »

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #28 le: 25 novembre 2009, 14:21:35 pm »
I have a question relating to Dagann’s: When you choose to have an AI vs AI conflict you are able to Take Command (a deliberate reference to the so named game  ;)) of a corps. The similar question being, do you command via the division-brigade-regiment structure or do you have to order every individual unit around?

In Ai vs Ai case, you can take command of one corp and just the one you chose. What you have to know is that in this configuration the plan is made by the AI, and the AI is the only one that can modify it (the player has no control on it).

Corps orders (defend, deploy, etc.) are applied in a normal way ; you can also micro manage all or part of your units.
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : Corps,Division and brigade.
« Réponse #29 le: 25 novembre 2009, 14:28:00 pm »
Corps I: Division 1, Divison 2  Corps II: Divsion 3; Division 4
If i want to give a march order to half of my 2 corps; to be more precise: to divison 1 wich belongs to Corps I and division 4 wich belongs to Corps II.
How can i do that ?

You will have to micro manage the units from these 2 divisions. But I don't understand why taking one division in each corp. If you need 2 divisions to advance, why don't give the order to one of your corp ?
« Modifié: 25 novembre 2009, 15:25:06 pm par lodi57 »
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”