Auteur Sujet: NEWS...  (Lu 95471 fois)

Hors ligne FranzVonG

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #135 le: 19 décembre 2009, 16:47:43 pm »
I think most people expected the news to be about the pre-orders as most people had been waiting for it for 10 years.

Corrected for you  :smile:
Lieutenant Franz von G., Cmdr. of the Lègion du Midi, 15th Division, IV Corps, Grande Armée.

Hors ligne antiochus

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #136 le: 19 décembre 2009, 16:49:49 pm »
I guess you people who are so upset with the demo haven't read any of the caveats that were released with it or don't believe the play testers that the demo does not represent the game that they have been playing. I can't believe that all the play testers are in JMM's pay or that they are concealing anything from us.The few games that I have play tested we were much harder on the developers than the paying public.

Hors ligne Holdit

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #137 le: 19 décembre 2009, 17:07:43 pm »
I don't like some vegetable. I don't eat. I don't talk about them.

You don't like HW:LG. Please, forgot it.
Take another game and play with it, thus you don't lost your time..


Ecoutez-moi, JMM, je n'ai jamais, jamais, jamais dit que je n'aime pas le jeu. Je n'ai jamais conseille quelqu'un a ne pas acheter le jeu. Je n'ai jamais dit que c'est bete de "pre-acheter"(?). Je ne veux pas laisser tomber HLG, et je ne considere pas que les heures que j'ai deja passe en jouant JLG representent des heures perdues.

J'ai mon propre avis au propos du nouvelle demo, et je l'expresse, tout simplement. Il n'st pas necessaire de mal representer cela.



and in English, for the record..

Listen JMM, I have never, never, never said that I don't like the game. I have never advised anyone not to buy it. I have not claimed that it is stupid to pre-order it. I have no wish to just drop
HLG, and I don't consider that the hours spent playing it so far have been wasted.

I have my own opinion on the timing of the improved demo and I express it - it's as simple as that. There is no need to misrepresent it


Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #138 le: 19 décembre 2009, 17:10:34 pm »
People from the outside world who download the current demo are more likely to decide it's rubbish, toss it aside and move on than they are to log in here in order to check how their opinion stacks up against the forum's conventional wisdom.

The game isn't for everyone.  We all know that here.  But it is a great game for a lot of us.  I don't think the typical TW or other RTS game player will like the demo, or the game itself when it's eventually finished.  This is a game for serious wargamers and other students of Napoleonic warfare.  Some of them won't like it either.

A lot of us here really like the game.  That's why we're here.  We know that not everyone will like it, but we've already proven that many will.  And you know what?  This doesn't matter to us.  No one expected HW:LG to be a mass market game.

The real question is, why does someone say, "This doesn't do what I expected so it has to be wrong" rather than saying, "This doesn't do what I expected.  Am I missing something?"  

Those who already know everything have nothing to learn.  Those who know enough to know that no one will ever know everything will get a lot out of the game.  You can tell which camp you're in by how much you've already learned from the demo.


Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #139 le: 19 décembre 2009, 17:19:39 pm »
No need to get upset, folks. All the opinions expressed here are expected. To summarize:
- Some people are genuinely convinced that this game is great and want to express their support by pre-ordering it
- Some people love so much their hobby that they try to support independent and innovative strategy game developers whenever they can, (pre) buying games, to try to help the business stay alive.
- Some people would like to pre-order the game for one or both of the previous reasons but do not have money for it ATM.
- Some people do not pre-order games, and only buy games after trying demos - and were not convinced by the first one - or after reading reviews, or after a couple of patches set in. Some folks even buy games only when they get reduced prices a couple of years after launching.
- Some people will probably not buy this game ever, because it is not of their liking.

Personally I am in the first two groups.

And of course, some people who actually will buy the game will be happy and some will be disappointed. It has happened to all of us, I am sure.

Now how about we move on ?   ;)
« Modifié: 19 décembre 2009, 17:22:09 pm par Franciscus »

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #140 le: 19 décembre 2009, 17:25:52 pm »
I don't like some vegetable. I don't eat. I don't talk about them.

You don't like HW:LG. Please, forgot it.
Take another game and play with it, thus you don't lost your time..


Bonjour JMM,

My pre-order for deluxe edition has been submitted. Hopefully, I did it right. Can't wait. Thank you very much sir !! :D

Cordialement, DoE
« Modifié: 19 décembre 2009, 17:29:00 pm par Duke of Earl »

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #141 le: 19 décembre 2009, 18:29:12 pm »
The ordering page displays an American flag icon for language (there is no such language) is regrettable. English is the language of Shakespeare - not Stallone.

JMM will apologize with her Graceful Majesty  :roll:.
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”

Hors ligne ThomasJay

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Re : Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #142 le: 19 décembre 2009, 18:35:03 pm »
Spot on. The opinions of the people on this forum can only be taken as indicative of ... the opinions of the people on this forum. People from the outside world who download the current demo are more likely to decide it's rubbish, toss it aside and move on than they are to log in here in order to check how their opinion stacks up against the forum's conventional wisdom. I'm assuming here that JMM's target market extends beyond these message boards.


Hi.  Someone from the outside world here. I'm getting ready to place my first ever pre-order :D
No matter how polished the demo -or the full game is for that matter, a majority of gamers will think it's rubbish because they're looking for a clickfest they can pickup and play without heaven forbid, ever reading a manual. This game is unique and deep, it shows in the demo despite it's flaws. I'm sure JMM's target market  is somewhat limited and not really inclusive of the twitch crowd.

Hors ligne Doyley

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #143 le: 19 décembre 2009, 20:07:20 pm »
I have ordered the game without any reservations. There are bugs admittedly in the demo, but I am confident that these will be either absent from the finished game or corrected with patches in the fulness of time. I have played the Total War series and while they are very pleasing to the eye (which is probably why they have managed to go on for so long) as a wargame they are completely simplistic. Take Command has a lot going for it, and it is probably the nearest you could get to a proper WARGAME until now, but Histwar is streets ahead. If you are unhappy with the demo by all means wait and see how the finished game turns out but all this whingeing before anyone knows what the game itself has to offer is not constructive and rather depressing. By all means point out the bugs so that they can be sorted, but all the nitpicking of the inconsequential  must be driving JMM up the wall. I have been wargaming Napoleonics on and off for 40 years, Histwar is something which takes this to a whole new level.

Hors ligne atd

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Re : Re : Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #144 le: 19 décembre 2009, 22:41:44 pm »
Hi.  Someone from the outside world here. I'm getting ready to place my first ever pre-order :D
No matter how polished the demo -or the full game is for that matter, a majority of gamers will think it's rubbish because they're looking for a clickfest they can pickup and play without heaven forbid, ever reading a manual. This game is unique and deep, it shows in the demo despite it's flaws. I'm sure JMM's target market  is somewhat limited and not really inclusive of the twitch crowd.

How on earth do you make that deduction? I HAVE read the manual and it makes 'interesting' reading. Those that have not read it may be somewhat taken aback.
« Modifié: 19 décembre 2009, 22:45:41 pm par atd »

Hors ligne atd

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #145 le: 19 décembre 2009, 23:07:40 pm »
There are bugs admittedly in the demo, but I am confident that these will be either absent from the finished game or corrected with patches in the fulness of time. ... all the nitpicking of the inconsequential  must be driving JMM up the wall.

In the fullness of how much time though? How much time are you prepared to invest in playing something that isn't working properly (and how satisfying would that be anyway)? Nice to know that you think JMM is joining us there.

Hopefully, the release will be much more polished than the demo and the bugs will be eliminated rapidly. With some experience in these matters, I do not believe this will be the case but would be delighted to be proven incorrect. It's a shame that the user interface, which was said to be temporary, has survived to release. Let's see if those daft '£' signs are replaced in the full game. A bit of a litmus test that...

I'm sure that the game has great potential and will be a unique contribution to historical gaming. So long as JMM doesn't come to any harm in the meantime, which as the sole designer, would be very unfortunate.

JMM - J'espere que tous vos efforts seront recompenses financierement par beaucoup de commandes. Le developement a pris beaucoup de temps - vous devez etre tres content que ce projet soit presque fini! Bonne chance!

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #146 le: 19 décembre 2009, 23:11:56 pm »
How on earth do you make that deduction?

Which deduction is that?  That the majority of gamers don't read manuals?  That they're looking for a clickfest (console games are pretty popular these days)?  That the game has depth, or that it shows in the demo?  That JMM's target market doesn't include the twitch crowd?

When you read the manual, did you make a list of corrections to help JMM?


Hors ligne Hook

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #147 le: 19 décembre 2009, 23:22:12 pm »
How much time are you prepared to invest in playing something that isn't working properly (and how satisfying would that be anyway)?

You're assuming it's not working properly.  It's certainly working properly enough to be a lot of fun to play, and for a lot of people, too.  There are more people here who like it than otherwise.

Hopefully, the release will be much more polished than the demo and the bugs will be eliminated rapidly. With some experience in these matters, I do not believe this will be the case but would be delighted to be proven incorrect.

This will depend on how you define "rapidly." Give a time frame and we can discuss how realistic it is.  How long have you been a professional programmer?  What game companies have you worked for?  Got a link to your Mobygames entry?  How many games have your name in the credits in the printed manual?

Let's see if those daft '£' signs are replaced in the full game. A bit of a litmus test that...

I'd prefer to keep them, but that's just me.  Would you rather have # instead?

I'm sure that the game has great potential and will be a unique contribution to historical gaming.

This is pretty much how most us view the situation.

So long as JMM doesn't come to any harm in the meantime, which as the sole designer, would be very unfortunate.

Careful there.

JMM - J'espere que tous vos efforts seront recompenses financierement par beaucoup de commandes. Le developement a pris beaucoup de temps - vous devez etre tres content que ce projet soit presque fini! Bonne chance!

Keep in mind that JMM reads English, too.

« Modifié: 19 décembre 2009, 23:50:08 pm par Hook »

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #148 le: 20 décembre 2009, 08:04:50 am »
This is a News item thread.
This thread is starting to talk about other issuses other than the News.
Please make another thread more about the issues you wish to talk about gentleman other than News, if that is what you wish, otherwise I may have to move some of these posts, or delete them.
I thank you for your cooperation in this matter
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne atd

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #149 le: 20 décembre 2009, 12:21:25 pm »
This is a News item thread.
This thread is starting to talk about other issuses other than the News.
Please make another thread more about the issues you wish to talk about gentleman other than News, if that is what you wish, otherwise I may have to move some of these posts, or delete them.
I thank you for your cooperation in this matter

Yes, you are quite right Gazfun (sorry). A new thread relating to conclusions from the demo has been established.