Auteur Sujet: NEWS...  (Lu 95339 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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« le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:01:48 pm »
The agreement between JMM and Battelfront is canceled.

HW:LH Manual will be consultable on November the 11th...
HW:LH Demo will be released before the end of this month...
HW:LG will be in pre-order on the first week of December...
HW:LG will be released before Christmas...


[Edit] Update English Version
« Modifié: 05 novembre 2009, 16:45:40 pm par JMM »

Hors ligne little soldier

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #1 le: 05 novembre 2009, 20:08:00 pm »
Keep at it! JMM, don't give up!  All the napoleonic fans are right behind you!

Hors ligne Field Marshal Blücher

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #2 le: 06 novembre 2009, 05:32:12 am »
Great news about the demo, and the imminent completion!

Since the arrangement with BFC was cancelled, where do we pre-order it from?

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #3 le: 06 novembre 2009, 08:26:11 am »
The agreement between JMM and Battelfront is canceled.

HW:LH Manual will be consultable on November the 11th...
HW:LH Demo will be released before the end of this month...
HW:LG will be in pre-order on the first week of December...
HW:LG will be released before Christmas...


[Edit] Update English Version
We march forward regardless  :)
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne KG_Lehr

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #4 le: 06 novembre 2009, 10:53:09 am »
     Hang in there JMM. 

    You is an instructive experience to want something as badly as your simulation-when I do not speak more than a very paltry amount of the Authors and Developers' language.  Anglo-English hubris normally goes largely unnoticed,  (especially with the Internet's english-speaking dominance).   You may be in for a surprise, many of us 'ugly americans' are amenable to laying aside our collective perceived 'arrogances' when other worthies can break through our self-occupation and command our attention, (grin)! 

    BTW-while I trace my roots back to Daniel Boone on one side of my family(along with a million+ others), my fathers' side leads straight back to Cpl. Jean DeMeaux, (formerly of Lafayettes' Legion), and a settler in the then 'wilds' of Nashville, Tennessee, lol!  So, quite literally without the French contribution, lol, I would not even BE here, hahaha.

   As a 30 year Napoleonic Gamer, I await your release with great joy.  (My own favorite armies are the Legion de Pollanaise, the Kings' German Legion, and the Portugese Army).....then the Bavarians, the Russians, and the Prussians.  In my circle it was deemed somewhat "cheesy" to want to play as the French or English.  The French were simply too GOOD, (too easy to win with), and while the English were in the same club, they were just too small an establishment to take seriously on the Continent, lol!

   The American Author, John Ringo, has an interesting translation of a letter written by a recent French veteran returned from Afganistan on his website.....relating his experiences with, and opinion of, the American soldiers he stood shoulder to shoulder with.  Makes good reading.....

   Make this project live any way you can, Monseiur!  We are rooting for you with our support, and our purchase prices, whatever it costs!   ( and we thank humbly for your own 'blood, sweat, and tears'.....)


Hors ligne Oldguard61

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #5 le: 06 novembre 2009, 11:10:45 am »
Dear JMM, Cher JMM
I hope you are not to depressed by the blow of ---------. Business is a hard thing. And I believe your work is more an act of love for Napoleonic wargame and all the ones that like to play those games and see the historical side of it. Therefore I wish you all the best and lots of strenght. And I will  certainly buy your game.
Many greetings
Oldguard 61

Hors ligne _Cambronne_

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #6 le: 06 novembre 2009, 11:29:06 am »
Good luck JMM with the release and I'll just buy more than one copy of this (I'm sure) magnificent game.I can hardly wait for the 11th november manual.Will it be released in English too?

Hors ligne Maximilian

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #7 le: 06 novembre 2009, 12:03:52 pm »
It seems its clear 'when' we could play LG. Was --------- finally only a 'barrier' for JMM?
Anyway JMM now presented us dates, not only possibilities. It sounds really great. I am not reliant on --------- and it seems JMM also not.

So, not good 'luck', only good final for the next really few weeks :)

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #8 le: 06 novembre 2009, 12:06:56 pm »
Good luck JMM with the release and I'll just buy more than one copy of this (I'm sure) magnificent game.I can hardly wait for the 11th november manual.Will it be released in English too?

It will  ;).
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”

Hors ligne KG_Lehr

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #9 le: 06 novembre 2009, 18:34:00 pm »
Regarding multiple copy purchases, our whole club says we are GAME for that, with 2 or more each!

Hors ligne JCM101

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #10 le: 06 novembre 2009, 19:15:51 pm »
ref BFC, he who falters, falls!

Courage JMM.

En avant mes braves!

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #11 le: 06 novembre 2009, 20:50:43 pm »
First of all.. Thanks you a lot for your support.. It's important to feel this wave pushing me towards the final line

Today, the first task is to verify the English manual in order to put it on the server on Wednesday.

After that, I have to finalize the demo because there are some differences between the final release and the demo.

So, I read some interesting ideas about the marketing and I'll send Private Message to the different Grognards in order to talk about their ideas...

Again THX


Hors ligne Beren

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #12 le: 07 novembre 2009, 09:21:50 am »
Talk with AGEOD, they are also french, they have quality games and also a strategic napoleonic project, that in a future could be join with histwar to make a great tactic-strategic game. They have an excellent games support and a great community...

Hors ligne JCM101

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #13 le: 07 novembre 2009, 10:11:49 am »
In the days before the net the loss of a deal with an established company could be the death knell for a project. 
Now we have a means of global sharing of info & once the demo etc is out I for one will be putting links thru to it on my site.

We can all use the Histwar banners & urls in our sigs on every forum we sign up to, regardless of language.
Hopefully something as simple as this can help build a global interest & make this project deservedly successful.

Hors ligne Fontanelli

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Re : NEWS...
« Réponse #14 le: 07 novembre 2009, 10:14:36 am »
Go on, JMM!