Auteur Sujet: What the hell is going on  (Lu 41584 fois)

Hors ligne Gunfreak

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What the hell is going on
« le: 05 novembre 2009, 15:42:35 pm »
--------- says The Game is canceled?

Hors ligne Moliere

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #1 le: 05 novembre 2009, 15:55:02 pm »
I saw that too.

Wait for JMM's answer.

I've opened a topic in french concerning this in order to receive more informations.

You will be informed soon.

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #2 le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:02:59 pm »
Nothing to say... just the agreement is canceled.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #3 le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:09:44 pm »
Nothing to say... just the agreement is canceled.
Im lost for words........thats astonishing.
So whats the plan now?
Write your own History!

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #4 le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:14:21 pm »
Plan.. really simple... Have a look at the news...


[EDIT] Sorry because I made a mistake : the first announcement was in French... Fixed up
« Modifié: 05 novembre 2009, 16:46:58 pm par JMM »

Hors ligne Dagann

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #5 le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:49:53 pm »
JMM, i hope you don't mind if i quote the news:

The agreement between JMM and Battelfront is canceled.

HW:LH Manual will be consultable on November the 11th...
HW:LH Demo will be released before the end of this month...
HW:LG will be in pre-order on the first week of December...
HW:LG will be released before Christmas...


[Edit] Update English Version
« Modifié: 05 novembre 2009, 16:58:18 pm par Dagann »

Hors ligne CBR

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Re : Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #6 le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:53:05 pm »
Plan.. really simple... Have a look at the news..
Phew... when I saw the word "cancelled" on --------- forum I felt like what a militia must have felt when facing a Guard bayonet charge...

But certainly good news with some dates on the release!

Hoping for the best.


Hors ligne Dagann

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #7 le: 05 novembre 2009, 16:55:50 pm »
I don't know if this cancelling is good or bad.

But the JMM news sound really GOOOOOOOD!!!!! :mrgreen:
At least, we have deadlines.

Hors ligne Gunfreak

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #8 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:06:29 pm »
I was scared there for a moment.

 I just saw the word CANCELD, and got panicked.

 Glad to know The Game is not dead, it would have sucked to have waited 6 years for nothing

Hors ligne Dagann

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #9 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:09:11 pm »
1 thing i do not get.

How --------- could cancel a few weeks before the realease ?
« Modifié: 05 novembre 2009, 17:15:06 pm par Dagann »

Hors ligne Maximilian

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #10 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:18:38 pm »
Now i must look here for LG.

Anyway --------- is a publisher and it seems dont want LG any more, if we all will be able to get LG otherwise its not main important. Its not a must for me to have a --------- game, i want histwar LG.
« Modifié: 05 novembre 2009, 17:44:58 pm par Maximilian »

Hors ligne CBR

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Re : Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #11 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:20:23 pm »
1 thing i do not get.

How --------- could cancel a few weeks before the realease ?
It does sound a bit odd yeah. But as long as its coming out, and hopefully good, I don't care :D


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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #12 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:30:20 pm »
---------? i heard it while i was waiting for LG  ;)
This forum will be overcrowded this month i guess. :D

Hors ligne Dagann

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #13 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:31:50 pm »
In the forum of ---------, s1 asked:

Has --------- really pulled this game?

Yes. The forum has been closed and we do not wish further discussion about this game.

That sound a little bit rude.
We don't know why and how JMM and BF cancelled the agreemnt.
Even if there was a clash, people of the BF forum are not guilty of this clash.

I think erasing the forum in a flash, without any warning, is disrepectful for the people who spend time posting and talking about the game.

Hors ligne Darsh

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Re : What the hell is going on
« Réponse #14 le: 05 novembre 2009, 17:32:40 pm »
The best news that we'll have the demo this month.  :D

--------- is stupid to cancelled just before the release.