In --------- forum i asked if anyone should share his AAR from tabletop napoleonic battles, one of the members (malcolm) gave me this link i'm trying to replay that miniatures' battle with HWLG and see what will happen.
The "real" battle is settled in 1800 but i choos to play it in 1809, the numbers of troops is fairly the same (French 22000, Austrians 36000); Austrian have greater number and more cavalry; the miniatures' AAR says that french artillery is dispersed so, in HWLG, i did not edit a proper Line Battery but gave to French side some regimental guns to create this dispersion.
Please follow this little AAR sharing this with the miniatures' battle AAR
So, opening moves the Austrian approaches really slow to the villages of Noventa and Vigodarze; Archduke Charles is obliged to repeat the attack/deploy order for his generals do not advance at proper speed but they are prone to stand, make defensive line and the march again...
After the new orders are given all Autrian line begin (again) the movement; first fire is from some austrian batteries to the Vigodarze village; in the meantime Austrian left wing approaches Noventa and begins firefight....
[EDIT JMM] Short test to control if it's possible to display this picture with its initial size.