Auteur Sujet: Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)  (Lu 11487 fois)


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Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« le: 29 avril 2009, 11:43:05 am »
The NBL action starts on the 1st May 2009 !

Hors ligne lodi57

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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #1 le: 29 avril 2009, 13:55:12 pm »
No Labour Day for the NBL  :cry:.
“Jamais d’aultres armes nous prendront, que celles que nous élisons ; et nous disons pour réconfort, nous voulons la liberté ou la mort !”


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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #2 le: 06 mai 2009, 10:33:03 am »
No Labour Day for the NBL  :cry:.
not right in fact  :?
1st of May is holiday in most part of the world like in our countries.
Wellington started very well. We expect to see Napoleon & allies' response soon.

1st CiC and SiC s will come out on 1st of June.
Also ready to count the HW:LG in the NBLeague. 8)

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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #3 le: 06 mai 2009, 12:50:50 pm »
Your idea is great, but the fact is you're using NTW and/or ETW to solve battles. However, these games do not permit you to control more than 120 x 20 = 2400 units by player ! Moreover, it is impossible to develop a real strategy with so limited manoeuvres.

Total War is as strategic as Tetris.

For sure, we shall join your League - or maybe create one ^^ - when Histwar : Les Grognards will be released.

Major Pariente.


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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #4 le: 06 mai 2009, 13:58:07 pm »
Pariente, this league main intention is LG already. We wait this game like everyone.  ;)

In fact the history of NBL starts with CorpsBattlesLeague which was our first experience that included just Corps Battles Game.
Now we expand this as NBLeague and include more games which is especially suitable for 3V3 - 4V4 LG battles.
Hope to see you in Napoleonic Battle League with French Empire&Allies soon.

« Modifié: 06 mai 2009, 14:00:07 pm par AnkLrd »

Hors ligne Pariente

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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #5 le: 06 mai 2009, 15:01:52 pm »
Obviously, you're waiting for HW:LG too. Sorry for being a little bit agressive about the games you currently use.

Well, I did not find if you're fighting in « Histwar way » : you choose your Order Of Battle, then you just fight with balanced armies, or if you're moving Army Corps on a map of Europe, and then you solve battles with TW considering the status of the Army Corps and the geographic situation. What did BNL choose ?

According to JMM, there will not be (at first) a server managing battles, the host will have to tell other players his address. If the game meet the success he deserves, he may set one up.

Therefore, your league should be a great way to promote the game by getting new users in contact with the whole community. Moreover, if the NBL organizes campaigns, the success of the game will be undoubtable. Nevertheless, a fragmented community in numerous « leagues » is not desirable. There will be many players from many countries and many languages, but we will want to challenge them, regardless to their own language, so what should we do ?

JMM might decide either to create a single players' community managed by himself (or by the game testers), for all players, or to let people creating groups.

We should keep in mind that many other wargames were flops because players did not get in touch with each others.

Major Pariente.
« Modifié: 06 mai 2009, 15:03:50 pm par Pariente »


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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #6 le: 06 mai 2009, 16:59:50 pm »
I understand you very well and you were not agressive, no worries but thanks for your politeness.

Mostly we fight with balanced armies with a host choosing a map according to the game we play -ntw2/CB or Etw. But we also plan to have historical battles which one of them is on the way using CB game -THE BATTLE OF TALAVERA...

We currently use "nwg steam chat room" to contact others as this community have over 300 members currently. Thats really an easy way to find opponents but when/if JMM sets up something we ll use it too to arrange LG battles.

Yes, we already had campaign for CB/CBLeague, but as i said before everything is for MP games which is our main concern.

If JMM create a single community would be great.
NBL can continue as long as people show interest. I agree with you, "communication" among players is the we have "steam community groups" and "community forum pages" course to host battles, we ll see what ll happen after LG release. 


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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #7 le: 06 mai 2009, 18:18:14 pm »
thank you soldat for what you make, and that will be useful to us one day........... :smile: ;)

Hors ligne von_Clausewitz

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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #8 le: 06 mai 2009, 21:14:46 pm »
When LG comes out you can forget about all other games on the first empire. They will all suck in comparison. Especially that overinflated turd of a game called Empire total war, biggest waste of money ever. It just goes to show you that if advertised properly people will buy anything.

Quand LG sortira vous pouvez abandonner tous les autres jeux sur le premier empire. Ils vont tous sembler très mauvais par comparaison avec Histwar. Surtout ETW, trop de publicité pour rien, un jeu nul. De l'argent jete par la fenêtre. Ça démontre qu'avec de la bonne publicité on nous vendra du n'importe quoi.

La garde meurt mais ne se rend pas


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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #9 le: 06 mai 2009, 22:29:28 pm »

Citation de: Bruguière
thank you soldat for what you make, and that will be useful to us one day........... :smile: ;)

great news! ;)

Citation de: von_Clausewitz
When LG comes out you can forget about all other games on the first empire. They will all suck in comparison. Especially that overinflated turd of a game called Empire total war, biggest waste of money ever. It just goes to show you that if advertised properly people will buy anything.


I have to say that i totally agree with you VC! i think my signature agrees with me. ;)

Citation de: Gunner24

NBC's objective is to take part in top class MP Napoleonic games. We find this easier to do with a "known" group of players than pure random ones. In the "old" ntw2 Community there were/are many such groups who were all independent from each other, but who also "battled" with each other every night in classic MP encounters.

To play TW games is better than to not play any, in our opinion, but we all look forward to LG and I'm 99% sure that will become our main game, but it's good to have others in "reserve".

NBC would like new members (of course) but we also want other groups to be organised and take part in MP games. It sounds like these might be hard to arrange, with a "group" or many "groups" it might well be easier.

The NBL is pure fun and entertainment, there is room for several different types of game, but they will all be "Napoleinic" in nature. I'm sure LG can be a big part of that and everyone is welcome to join in, be they in a "group" or not.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #10 le: 25 mai 2009, 09:43:31 am »
Maybe its just me, but I dont think its the right thing to do, to spam on another wargame site, your own site.
I would never and could never do that.  :o
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #11 le: 25 mai 2009, 13:50:22 pm »
Thank you for the constructive criticizm.

Citation de: Gunner24
Gazfun : It would appear you have a different idea of what "spam" is to what I have. The NBL is something that people within the MP Napoleonic Community might (and are) interested in. It is intended to bring together people who might be interested in playing MP Nap games with each other. I can understand if your not interested in this, but I do not consider this topic to be "spam". Your attitude to NBL is dis-appointing, but not at all unexpected.

If I am wrong about it being "spam" then I'm sure a forum admin will delete it. If you are a forum admin, then by all means go ahead and delete it, if your not a forum admin maybe you would be better advised to keep these kind of negative (and incorrect) comments to yourself.

We are trying to help build a healthy MP Community for LG and other Nap MP games - may I ask what are you trying to do ?.
« Modifié: 25 mai 2009, 14:52:12 pm par AnkLrd »

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Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #12 le: 25 mai 2009, 19:58:12 pm »
Your messages are not considered as « spam », except by Gazfun.

The matter of players communities is raised by these, like I said few weeks ago.

A single question : will you give other games up ?

Because, if Les Grognards is played by your community such as ETW & Co it would divide us : NBL's members, and only-Histwar's players gathered in this forum (meeting point of all new players). And dividing the Histwar community is not good at all. Nevertheless, it may be attractive if it gathers the whole community, and if it makes easier to meet and to fight. Whereas, I don't think we shall play other « napoleonic games » when Les Grognards will be released. Therefore, if the NBL is really a bridge between little groups, and if it suggests something more (campaigns, for instance) than single battles, it might be joined by numerous players.

Actually, JMM should decide if he wants either a centralized community or leaving players to organize themselves.

Major Pariente.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #13 le: 25 mai 2009, 22:38:28 pm »
Thank you for the constructive criticizm.

I think you are adding a lot of speculation, assumption, and baseless circular reasoning in your agument actually.
Relying on others to limit your own boundaries of what is right or wrong, is in essence not a sound basis of morals in my view.
But you do what you think is right of course   :)
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester


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Re : Re : Napoleonic Battle League (NBL)
« Réponse #14 le: 26 mai 2009, 07:11:47 am »

I don't think we shall play other « napoleonic games » when Les Grognards will be released.

Citation de: Gunner24
I'm sure your right, many will only play LG and nothing else, but, some may play other games as well. Our interest is in any, and all, MP Napoleonic games, but LG will become the main game - I'm sure of that. I'd like to think that anyone interested in MP Napoleonic games (whatever they may be) all have the same basic interest as a group, it's not like saying a WW2 shoot em up will be part of the NBL, it won't !.

Therefore, if the NBL is really a bridge between little groups,
Major Pariente.

Citation de: Gunner24
Where people meet to arrange LG games is anyones guess at the moment, it's how the different groups get together that will be important. The best thing would be a "---------" type games lobby, but I don't think that is planned, so we might have to make our own arrangements and NBC/NBL will do what we can to help with that - for those that are interested.

Btw, Pariente, please check NBL battle results page when you have time, , different games with 1v1,2v2,3v3 are shown that way.