Bonjour et Bienvenue,
The game speed is variable.. There are 4 precise levels : 6 secondes for 1 real minute to 30 secondes for 1 real minute.. So it's possible to re-play Austerlist with a variable time : around 1 hour to 5 hours..
Actually, the graphical engine works alone! ASAP, this engine will receive all orders from internal engine and the animation will be synchronised. But it's not easy.. why: Generally speaking, we know a 8 pounder fighted 2 times per minute.. For 6"/minute, the graphic engine only shows 1 shoot .. so it's not possible to display the 2 cycles.
There are some other constraints.. For example, it's not possible (in fact it's hard) to place the cannon on the corner of the square. Same thing for the recoil, and for some other behaviours...
So, I try to do the best.. but sometimes I don't know better than I do