Seems to me 5 is a bit young for Dragon (or whatever) figures... but this is
only my point of view !
We have, in stores specialised for kids, in France... painted plastic figures 1/18. With numerous topics : vikings, gallics, roman legion soldiers, blabla and : one foot grenadier of Imperial Guard, one Chasseur à cheval and guess... Napoleon !
I'm pretty sure these figures are not franco-french, and could be found almost in Europe (Sorry I've found no link
) I'm sure somebody will provide it.
My first son is almost 4 and use them easily for 6 month now, not to refined as Dragon and not to small like 1/35 scale...
Additionnal challenge : I also must pay attention to my second son (15 months) who acts like a vacuum cleaner, sucking up everything that the first leaves lying down...
End of my "QVC's happy customer testimony" :wink: