Hello, link and le tondu, bonjour a tous,
First, sorry for my bad english...
i haven’t write english until 15 years or more...I hope you vill understand?!;)
About your talking, we have got some common points: I’ve started too, to play with littles toys of 15mm about the Napoléonic’s wars,( i’ve got 2000 little soldiers painting).And during my studies in a art school, my drawing teatcher say me (joke!):”i was able to paint battles” like you can see in the muséems with composition of mens and horses dust and fire...
And now, i’m very proud to work with JMM in this big project...
I’ve made a lot of drawing for histwar les grognards, soldiers, guns and horses, town,bridges, ( pin-up) etc...in 2D and in 3D. JMM the “computer’s magician” give life to my creations. For me it’s fantastic to see some littles peace of painting moving in the battles fields.
vivement les grognards!
Good bye, LA