Auteur Sujet: "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club  (Lu 12539 fois)

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"The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« le: 03 février 2010, 10:53:03 am »
We are a group of Napoleonic Wargamers who have participated in developing the Napoleonic Wargames Community and by having the honour and  privilage of helping and supporting of the Development of Histwar les Grognards and EIANW another popular title, with which we have a happy community going.

We look forward in helping in further improvements for the benefit of the wargaming community as a whole.

To become a member please go to out Members Page and click on the link for ladder games, where you will be directed to out Histwar les Grognards sign up forum.  Please register say hi to the friendly guys at TGHQ.
We would love to see you.

Ladder games will and are commencing if that is the style of gaming you prefer.

Our main task however is to develop and maintain Campaign and Tournament style of wargaming which involves role playing actions by players, where there involvment in the particular army of there choice creates a certain comradery amongst players in the same Army background which a creates a far more satsifying and rewarding game experience.

We have Army webb sites behind each national flag with countries that are available at the moment for HWLG.
While you are there have a look around and see what is currently going on at TGHQ
See you on the battlefield!
« Modifié: 03 février 2010, 11:08:09 am par gazfun »
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #1 le: 11 février 2010, 04:55:47 am »
Our hamachi server is
Called "TGHQ Histwar LG Game Server" and our password is "tghq"
Players are required to register with TGHQ see link at members page
« Modifié: 11 février 2010, 22:58:30 pm par gazfun »
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #2 le: 21 avril 2010, 04:58:03 am »
Our hamachi server is
Called "TGHQ Histwar LG Game Server" and our password is "tghq"
Players are required to register with TGHQ see link at members page
Due to the un reliability of this server, connection we will be using a different server in future.

The use of this new server will mean that players anywhere in the world who are a members of "The Generals HQ"  will be be able to play 24/7 other members anytime regardless of time zones.

Campaigns and Tournament will be organised at this time for LAN play
At the moment members are playing PBEM games to start getting there skill ratings up

We are wating on upgrades of HWLG to secure reliable connections before we engange with this activity
Thanks for reading and stay tuned
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #3 le: 09 juillet 2010, 10:18:50 am »
Yes TGHQ will play both MP and PBEM Games, also we do not believe that players should be restrtcted with historical limits in reference to French vs the Allied theme.
We believe that with HWLG you will need to specialise with doctrine and get used to the historical generals abilities, of the period, thats why we are promoting each Napoleonic Army as seperate, and should have its own entity, and to that end we have structered an Army system with players to each army.
This is particularly useful in Campaigns which will come in due course
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #4 le: 28 mai 2012, 12:22:07 pm »
New Campaign has started players can join in anytime, for either a battle, or you can play as  Army general, or CiC,118.0.html
« Modifié: 19 mars 2014, 21:39:50 pm par gazfun »
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #5 le: 21 mars 2014, 09:28:40 am »
Another Campaign has been going for a few weeks now, view details here or join using our comprehensive Napoleonic Campaign mod.  Makes all battles logical and as a natural consequence for a battle,118.0.html
« Modifié: 19 avril 2014, 01:31:44 am par gazfun »
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #6 le: 19 avril 2014, 01:37:58 am »
The ATG/Histwar Napoleonic Campaign mode in the next version 1.1 will have all the minor countries available.  There is a natural alliance of all the 7 major powers of the period, with ultimately one player who can be the winner.  But no player alone can win by themselves without help
This is the dynamic political system.

Or opt for a static Political System where allies can add there accumulated VP together.

Or Opt for a campaign only no political system

See screenshots of some minor countries:
See links in the communities forum below the HWLG Campaign Icon
See how easy it is to use. see the videos :  ATG / Histwar Third party Campaign info panel
« Modifié: 01 juin 2014, 12:06:25 pm par gazfun »
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester

Hors ligne gazfun

  • Chevalier d'HistWar
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  • Messages: 876
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    • The Generals HQ
Re : "The Generals HQ" Napoleonic Wargames Club
« Réponse #7 le: 01 juin 2014, 02:03:50 am »
More units that are beings used:
Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester