Auteur Sujet: Reconnaisance,please little explanation  (Lu 3113 fois)

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Reconnaisance,please little explanation
« le: 23 mai 2012, 09:23:59 am »
My army go in direction North to South.
I cannot show a screen because i am playing a PBEM,but only report of reconnaisance.
We are playing with Option ->visibility conditional with delay.
I only see (in F2) a enemy corp on the east.
Why i do not see the reserve cav at south and a corp at south east? perhaps for delay ?
But delay for what ? I am a bit confused.
Is it possible a little explanation to understand better ? , someone know the reason ?
Thank for a possible reply.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Reconnaisance,please little explanation
« Réponse #1 le: 23 mai 2012, 10:23:48 am »
Probabily the enemy corp at east (visible in F2) was spotted by CiC at north.
For the scout cav , perhaps, is need the time to reach own CC or CiC with a AdC (delay).
I know only now the great rilevance to read the reports of reconnaisance.
Sorry for my question.

Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Alfiere

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  • Messages: 1403
Re : Reconnaisance,please little explanation
« Réponse #2 le: 23 mai 2012, 11:06:58 am »
I make a speed test in both side with the same options ,with my CiC behind hill..
All corps stationary.
I put a enemy cav at south with 6 units.And a corps at south east.
Send a cav on a hight,at target read report of reconnoisance->(A reserve cav at south and a enemy corps at south east)
After about 30 min, i see in F2 3 units of reserve cav and after 45 min i see 5 units of reserve cav.
While i never seen the corp at south east also after 1.30 hours.
The distance of scout cav from own CC was 3000 mt (time need 82 min?)
Only doubt was 30 min for to see the 3 units of enemy cav.
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne [NBC]Friant

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Re : Reconnaisance,please little explanation
« Réponse #3 le: 09 juin 2012, 15:07:34 pm »
Alfiere i think this is supposed to represent a message, so technically just because your scouts have spotted the enemy does not mean to say you will see it on the F2 map.
You may see question marks with the last time they were seen. They are only observations, in all honesty if your scout is that far ahead, realistically he and probably a great deal of your own troops should not be displayed, it is all because we have friendly visibility set to unlimited i think it is??
I like it like this because it is great to have the fog of war represented this way, in many games i have not attacked an area with multiple enemy units displaying a ?  because i am not sure if they are really there, and then when i see the replay from the enemies view point i am mostly surprised to see hardly anything there.
Hope this helps.
« Modifié: 09 juin 2012, 15:14:19 pm par [NBC]Friant »