My dear friend,
I'll never quibble with you about Napoleonics, maps, architecture etc...
But if the guys you sent in your last mail are today Bashkirs soldiers , so I'm a Zulu in Shaka's army dress
They look like WWII security with maybe a Komissar in front ...
Otherwise, I just wanted to tell you I watched on TV the opening of the new Bolchoï in Moskow and found it really splendid with a touch of " GRANDEUR" and tradition ....Too bad it's so far and I'm so tired : this, the History museum, Borodino and maybe Petersbourg are all in my dreams....
Keep the good work going
IMPORTANT NOTICE / I was just sending you the message above when receive your "black humor" I change nothing as I am quite proud about guessing right who was here ! Another opportunity to know more about your genealogy