Auteur Sujet: Graphic problem with last patch 03a  (Lu 3382 fois)

Hors ligne Messernick

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Graphic problem with last patch 03a
« le: 19 mai 2011, 00:11:55 am »
After istalling last patch 03a, I see this problem with allies unit. No problem with french unit. can you help me?


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Re : Graphic problem with last patch 03a
« Réponse #1 le: 19 mai 2011, 02:06:25 am »
I may have had the same problem. I downloaded the full patch and after the install I noticed that all my allied units with regards to the Waterloo Mod turned into blob figures like what you show in your picture.

What happen is all the text files in the C:\HistWarGames\HistWar\Langage\OoB\Modds folder that help run the Mod were overwritten by blank files.

What you need to do is reinstall the Waterloo Mod to get it to run again.

... :shock:

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Graphic problem with last patch 03a
« Réponse #2 le: 19 mai 2011, 08:14:19 am »
Another reason to use JSGME. I always inactivate all Mods before patcheing, and then re-activate them = No problems

« Modifié: 19 mai 2011, 08:53:48 am par Franciscus »

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : Graphic problem with last patch 03a
« Réponse #3 le: 19 mai 2011, 09:40:42 am »
I may have had the same problem. I downloaded the full patch and after the install I noticed that all my allied units with regards to the Waterloo Mod turned into blob figures like what you show in your picture.
What happen is all the text files in the C:\HistWarGames\HistWar\Langage\OoB\Modds folder that help run the Mod were overwritten by blank files.
What you need to do is reinstall the Waterloo Mod to get it to run again.
... :shock:

the Mod were overwritten : I think it's the cause to get this bad display.
To be honest, I didn't take care at this problem :p
So, I'll build new packages to avoid this issue.
Sorry  :oops:

Hors ligne Messernick

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Re : Graphic problem with last patch 03a
« Réponse #4 le: 19 mai 2011, 22:23:01 pm »
Thanks. I re-installed the Mod and now is all ok! :smile: