The encounter at Ebelsberg:
I tried to list the actions chronological, as there is still a lot of discussion going on, whether it really happened as reported by most of the historians.
If some of you would like to hear more of the "road to Ebelsberg": tell me...but there is much in the more popular books nowadays anyway...if anyone would like to add the French way of looking at the battle, yuo are most welcome and invited even...we could then start a civilized and objective dicussion on what really happened!
I'll split the battle into several parts...if you're not interested I can always stop – no offence taken...
0800, 3rd May 1809
The main colomn of Austrians passes trough Kleinmünchen and reaches with the head of the column Ebelsberg. At the same time French Cavalry appears near Niedernhart. Also in front of Radetzky – who is guarding in the direction of Wels, several details of French Cavalry appear.
In the little town of Ebelsberg Chaos is everywhere: Cavalrymen want to be resupplied, and the infantrymen have started cooking, as they have already been on the road for 7 hours. Artillery is being positioned at high and good ground. In the meantime – the French have arrived at Linz – and occupied the town, and its supplies without resistance (supplies which had been denied for the Austrian troops two days before...)
first skirmishes take place outside of Kleinmünchen. At the same time, the Column of Schustekh arrives coming from Leonding at Oberhart – eventually – and tries to reach the passing over the Traun with as little losses as possible. Meanwhile the bridges over the Traun are being prepared for destruction. In the Chateau of Ebelsberg lunch is prepared for FM Hiller, commander of the 6th Corps.
The Austrians have reached their final deployment areas: at the marketplace of Ebelsberg the 1st and the 2nd bataillon of Grenzers are positioned (reinforced by a company of Crownprince-Archduke-Ferdinand-sharpshooters)
3 companies of the 2nd bataillon IR 29 are stationed in the chateau under the command of Oberstleutnant von Pflüger. In close support: the first part of the 5th Corps: 8 companies IR 29, the entire regiments IR 58, IR7, the 3rd bataillon IR 38, 3rd bataillon IR 46 and the 3rd bataillon IR 23.
the 5th bataillon of IR 58 was stationed as support of the howitzers on the heights of the Gloriette.
On the nearby Schildenberg the main forces of the 5th and the 6th Corps deploy – with the 5th being on the right and the 6th being on the left.
On the far right the Vienna Volunteers – and in the center on the road FM Dedovich, and to his left the Brigade Weissenwolff. The main bulk of the Austrian artillery is on the road near Pichling, and the Liechteinstein Hussars are covering the area near Gottschalling. The 2nd Reserve corps is stationed even further back with ourposts near St.Florian and Tillysburg.
At the same time on the French side: One squadron of the 19th Chasseurs à Cheval encounters the enemy near the Scharlinger Forest. Marulaz realizes instantly that he's powerless with his cavlary – and requests infantrysupport from Masséna.
until the Infantry comes up, Marulaz orders the 19th, the 23rd and the 15th Chasseur à Cheval in line up front and the cavalry of the Coalition of the Rhine into the second line as support.
The French Cavalry now tries to turn the Austrian right.... which leads to several skirmishes with the Rosenberg-Chevaulegers. Marulaz is worried by something else though: the column of Schustekh appears on this right flank – which leads to his decision to order the Dragoon regiment of Baden under AdC Trenquallye to wheel right to counter this movement...surprisingly Trenquallye does not charge.
As he arrives on the plains, Schustekh feels not only endangered by the Dragoons, but also by the light Cavalrey Brigade Piré which appears on the road to the west – he fears that his retreat might be cut off...
Surprisingly a attempted Austrian Charge, which is halted, is enough to drive the French off the field. Therefore Schustekh uses the opportunity to move his main forces to Kleinmünchen and safety – only the 2nd bataillon of Klebek-Infantry falls behind and is taken prisoner.
More French forces arrive on the field and a major combat is imminent
so much for the first part...
if you like to read more...would be an interesting discussion I think...if not – no prob
Sources for my text here:
I took the report mostly out of: Heft 9, Militärhistorische Schriftenreihe, Hrsg. Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (militärwissenschaftliches Institut), Rudolf Walter Litschel: Das Gefecht bei Ebelsberg, am 3.Mai 1809
Bei Linz und Ebelsberg:, Major Hugo Kerchnawe, 1910, Wien und Leipzig, C.W.Stern