Nobody want really a solution like Hamachi, Tunngle or other network freewares, there are these networks because we haven't an MP lobby.
I agree.
From the latest Hook told us (on the other topic) I'm hopefully that it will play as intended to when it's fixed, but again a "proper" game lobby would be perfect !.
as it hard for players to find TCP/IP games
It will be very hard indeed if your not a member of a group of some kind, then it becomes easier, but not everyone wants to join a group, this is where the lack of a lobby is most serious, for a player who wants to log in and see if there's anyone around to get an MP games with.
I would advise joining a group, be it NBC or one of the many others around, find one that you like the look of and that fits with the type of gamer you are - and join in with the on-line Community.