Some ideas or questions or thoughts I had were based on the current map rendering system so not knowing the corrections you will adapt, I will ask only some of them.
* In game Mode I never see Crops, only see them in the map maker, can we fix.
* Tree shadows are sometime on and sometimes off, anyway to have them always on . When off tree look to be floating.
* Is it possible to have the graphic randomly spin 0, 90, 180 or 270 before it renders on the map. This will break up any pattern effect.
* Any plans to add some bush files.
* Separate the reflection effects from rivers and lakes and have each render slightly different. Also with lakes maybe is it possible to render them similar to way streams are done. No gravel and high grass around the edges.
* has 2 graphics but only 1 renders.
Last question for now deals with battlefield map size. Each map renders the map differently, 6k Renders Bigger graphics to smallest with campaign. Is there anyway to make all maps draw to the same the portion. I think the campaign map renders the best over all scale (except for the small Forest tree size). Is there anyway to have a preference checkable box, so I can get all the maps (6k, 10k, 15k, campaign) to draw the same scale. Example would be so people who like the way the 6k map renders the graphics can check that as there preference and all the maps render to that scale. Or people like me can check the campaign size and all the maps sizes render to that scale.