Could you tell me what are you working on, which maps and OoBs, please ?
I'm interested on historical battles and starting positions. That's what I try to respect, particularly when I've created my 3 scenarios (on the official archives depot).
I was working on an authentic Austerlitz battle a long time I guess I will start with that one again (it's Napoleon's masterpiece after all....)
after that I am open to suggestion of you and of course all forum guys as to which battle they would like to see historically first
what are my main intentions:
1)correct OOB within the current game limits
2)correct starting position and starting time of battle (it will be a new scenario, probably named something like: Austerlitzhist, so that other players will have the option to play as they please)
which will lead to two files: one with the current version of the battle - suitable for any playstyle, and one with the historical deployment and the historical orders
3)an option for "play both sides" where each side is already given the proper commands and that one may replay the actual battle - the AI (meaning the other side in this case) will already have the historical orders for each corps with the proper times of execution...and you can choose either side of course!
any help, like reviewing the maps and OOBs are of course most welcome! - just PM me and we could work something out!
PS: let me see if I can find some screenshots