A few quick questions for those with PBEM experience.
I am thinking of a moderated campaign using PBEM.
1) Can a third person use the PBEM files to monitor the battle? ie. the moderator is copied on PBEM sends and opens the game in progress to monitor progress, take screenshots etc.
No really because the game verifies the SN of gamers at each turn...
So, only 2 players can open the file! But I am no sure I understand the sense of your request.
Because if the question is "open the game at the end of the battle".. no but I can modify a bit the program.
After the game finished, the file can be saved in the folder "save" with the extension .sav as a solo file.
2) Does PBEM support more than one person per side?
No really.... only 2 players.
For multiplayer PBEM, it needs to modify the sequence...
For example : 3 for the side A (A1,A2,A3) and 2 for the side B (B1,B2)
The sequence will be like that
A1 position + order
A2 position + order
A3 position + order
B1 position + order
B2 position + order
Ax runs the game (x = one of the player side A)
B1 display + order
B2 display + order
A1 display + order
A2 display + order
A3 display + order
Bx runs the game (x = one of the player side B)
and so on...
But I have to modify a bit the management of the pbem sequence...
No sure it's a high priority.