Auteur Sujet: Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)  (Lu 7205 fois)

Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« le: 11 avril 2010, 10:24:15 am »
Here i will suggest some options i use to amuse the solo play Vs the GT AI with random maps and oobs for the game patched with 01b (for further patches will improve the game itself).

GT AI should not have less than 5 Corps (as reported in the manual)

GT AI should have one Corp more than yours, for the GT AI will always leave one Corp for LOP defence.

Giving one Corp more the GT AI will have the same "mass of engagement" that the player puts on the field to match your Army.

I suggest that GT AI CEH should be 10 points (average) bigger than Player's CEH.

Corps for the GT AI should have an average of 6 (or more) infantry units, 3 (or more) cavalry units, and, regarding artillery (as reported by another user) the unit should have from 5 to 7 artillery units (except regimental guns); with such a Corp i saw the GT AI press me really well on the field of battle.

If you do not want to buy every single unit for the GT AI i suggest to make a random Oob and make just some little editing.

I often play with 100 CEH average on 15 Km maps and, being unable to cover all the field of battle i can say solo battles are really amusing.

Those above are just suggestions, hope this can help  :D
Histwar beta tester

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Re : Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #1 le: 11 avril 2010, 10:36:40 am »
Thanks, good suggestions.
Such options are wellcome to improve the gameplay vs AI  for those (like me) that will mainly play solo  ;) 

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Re : Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #2 le: 11 avril 2010, 11:00:00 am »
Good ideas !!!! ;)

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #3 le: 11 avril 2010, 14:54:04 pm »
Thanks Monte ! That's the kind of insight/feedback most useful from you betas/veterans  :D.

Just a few questions:

Corps for the GT AI should have an average of 6 (or more) infantry units, 3 (or more) cavalry units, and, regarding artillery (as reported by another user) the unit should have from 5 to 7 artillery units (except regimental guns); with such a Corp i saw the GT AI press me really well on the field of battle.


Are you really suggesting 5-7 arty units per corps ??

And how do you think is AI regarding management of a Cavalry corps and an arty "reserve" corps ?


Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #4 le: 11 avril 2010, 15:12:57 pm »
Many players complaint for artillery deploy too far from the front, so they are unable to protect the pieces properly.

Having a Corp with such number of pieces allow the AI to protect better those batteries, and it allows the GT AI to have a good firepower for every Corp.

Concerning Cavalry, you are right, i forgot it, the GT AI CAN manage a full Cavalry Reserve Corp and in good manner; on the other hand the Grand Battery can be used in a good way sometimes (from my personal experience) but many times the player can destroy the pieces.
Histwar beta tester

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Re : Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #5 le: 11 avril 2010, 15:31:24 pm »
Good ideas Monte, thank you.  As you know I don't do a lot of solo and when I do I fight rear guard actions so I have a challenge. Using your suggestions I will get a real challenge from battle mode.

Hors ligne EylauHurricane

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Re : Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #6 le: 21 avril 2010, 12:16:17 pm »
Here i will suggest some options i use to amuse the solo play Vs the GT AI with random maps and oobs for the game patched with 01b (for further patches will improve the game itself).





Right! But in this way historical battles with historical OOBs, expecially the little ones, are quite impossible to reproduce and play in solo mode. Or the next patch (or patches) will improve this crucial point of the game?
"LES OFFICIERS NE SONT RIEN QUAND ILS N' ONT PAS DE POUVOIR" (Napoléon,  "Guerre et Paix" de Lev Tolstoy)

Hors ligne glaude1955

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Solo Play - Suggestion (patch 01b)
« Réponse #7 le: 21 avril 2010, 12:25:29 pm »

Can we know the foreseeable date of exit for the next patch. Normally, it should adjust the most important defaults of the solo mode (respect of the Corps composition - respect of the positioning decided by the creator of the cenario - new management of the LOP...)   :?:

