Auteur Sujet: Thanks for a delightful start. :)  (Lu 9994 fois)

Hors ligne timelord

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Re : Thanks for a delightful start. :)
« Réponse #15 le: 04 décembre 2009, 01:42:21 am »
i have tried to use the F9 key ,but my units just vannish and dont come back.
i wish thier was a way round this ,as of yet i have not been able to play a game ,where this do's not happen.((

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Thanks for a delightful start. :)
« Réponse #16 le: 04 décembre 2009, 01:54:05 am »
Yes, alas.  I just had my first successful attack wink out of existence.  Ah well, it's time for bed anyway. ;)
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne von_Clausewitz

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Re : Thanks for a delightful start. :)
« Réponse #17 le: 04 décembre 2009, 05:11:50 am »
Rest assured that most of the problems you are experiencing are not in the current version of the beta being tested. A few bugs are there and these are what needs to be fixed before release. Like gazfun said, this is just the surface, the doctrine editor and the army editor add a lot of depth to the game. Not to forget the map editor that will allow you to make whatever maps you want.

La garde meurt mais ne se rend pas