Auteur Sujet: Command camera control shortcut?  (Lu 2620 fois)

Hors ligne Petrus58

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Command camera control shortcut?
« le: 04 décembre 2009, 00:54:50 am »
This may not be possible, or even desireable, but one feature of TC2M which I liked was the ability to use the arrow keys to move between commands. For those not familiar with this, if you started at say the C in C, using the down arrow dropped the view to a corp commander. You could then use the left and right arrows to move between corp commanders, or the down arrow again to move to division, or down again to brigade or even regiments. It was a really quick way of moving between your commands.

Hors ligne crazy canuck

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Re : Command camera control shortcut?
« Réponse #1 le: 04 décembre 2009, 04:50:16 am »
I've played that game. The Napoleonic mod for TC2M was great too.

The idea of jumping between commanders was indispensible during battle.

 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Command camera control shortcut?
« Réponse #2 le: 04 décembre 2009, 05:37:15 am »
Try the PageUp and PageDown keys.


Hors ligne Petrus58

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Re : Re : Command camera control shortcut?
« Réponse #3 le: 04 décembre 2009, 14:23:40 pm »
Try the PageUp and PageDown keys.


Thanks for the tip. There is so much depth to this game; I have only just discovered that by right-clicking on unit cards you go to the commander or unit. I must read the manual carefully!!