
Do you think Les Grognards is a name that can sell outside France?

Yes, the name is not an issue
6 (42.9%)
No, the game needs a more international name
8 (57.1%)

Total des votants: 14

Vote clôturé: 29 juin 2004, 18:29:10 pm

Auteur Sujet: International name for Les Grognards?  (Lu 18431 fois)

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #15 le: 28 avril 2005, 13:45:30 pm »
Your ideas of having Napoleon in the name is valid but we have to remember that Les Grognards is not the full name. The full name is "Les Grognards de Napoléon"
which in English would be "Napoleon's Grognards".

I'm sure JMM want the series name in there too so it would be called
Histwar:  Napoleon's Grognards.

Perhaps the publisher will have a say in this too. They are to know what sells or not.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #16 le: 28 avril 2005, 13:57:38 pm »
Citation de: "black_fish"

Ob by the way that OoB is killer! I want to buy the game just for that :D

I can confirm that this OoB editor is very easy and powerful to work with. Powerful in that way it includes a database with a lot of regiments and generals with all the attributes needed.

There is also a map editor so it's very easy to create new battles.  :D
I have made four of the historical battles, that will be included in the game, with the help of those editors.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne black_fish

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #17 le: 29 avril 2005, 12:50:16 pm »
One thing: Histwar has only meaning in French. It's kind of gobbledigook in English. I think it would be a bad idea to put it in the title.

What people need is something they can zero in very fast and know what the game is about in an instant when they scan a webpage or an aisle in their store.

I'm very interested in that type of game and neverless it totally got lost in the background noise for me for months! I think the name could be one of the reasons I did not see it (although I'm sure I read the name on IGN or It didn't grab my attention. I would even say that the name of Grognards is for me more a name used by old wargamers than by Imperial Grenadiers  :oops:

Hors ligne Link

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #18 le: 29 avril 2005, 13:12:01 pm »
You have a point there black fish. Grognards is well known by old wargamers but for others it doesn't mean anything.

What do you think about my suggestion to call it “Commander in chief: Napoleon”.

You have Napoleon in the name and Commander in chief as a description of the game as the game offers you to act as a true CinC.

Let the criticism flow. I can take it.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.


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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #19 le: 07 juin 2005, 21:18:09 pm »
If you want a "snazy" name, how about "Thunder and Smoke: Napoleon on Campaign" or something like that?  I'd keep the "Napoleon etc. etc." part as a sub title, and use something fierce and warlike for the main title.

Really, all this matters for is the non-grog crowd anyhow.  The real wargamers will buy it no matter what, as has been stated.  So pick something that appeals to the masses of people who like to see cannons explode, and battlefield smoke from the muskets.  Let them know up front that this title will deliver "action".

Hors ligne sunray

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #20 le: 08 juin 2005, 23:19:49 pm »
Hello Everyone,

The name has to be simple, and immediately tell you what the game is about.

How about something simple, like:

-  Napoleon"


 :)  :)

Hors ligne Iron Warrior

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #21 le: 16 juin 2005, 00:35:04 am »
I like the name. Besides IMO the target for this game would be hard core gamers of the era which would know the translation anyway. There are plenty of popular miniatures rulesets in the US with French titles (ie Les Grande Armee) so I think the title won't matter once word is out about how good a game is. [Not that I am a big fan of that ruleset, just an example for this purpose. My favorite ruleset and favorite game ever is a pc software program for miniatures called Carnage & Glory II.]

Hors ligne Speedy

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #22 le: 10 août 2005, 20:16:38 pm »
How about "Bony was in Russia, so they say".

Hors ligne Poliorcetes

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Re: International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #23 le: 17 août 2005, 14:43:03 pm »
I think 'Napoleon's Grognards' is a great name if you are aiming to appeal mainly to grognards, ie fairly hard core wargamers. If you want the game to have wider appeal, and shelf impact (will you be selling in shops?) you might need something different. I agree that the title should contain 'Napoleon' for instant recognition and impact.  But you could use a more dramatic subtitle - how about something along the lines of (some of these are from book titles):

Napoleon: Anatomy of Glory
Napoleon: Clash of Empires
Napoleon: Crucible of Courage
Napoleon: Days of Glory
Napoleon: Days of Destiny
Napoleon: The Art of Victory

I think I quite like 'Napoleon: The Art of Victory'

Or you could go for something less dramatic, more descriptiive of what it does:

Napoleon: Battlefield Commander
Napoleon: Supreme Commander
Napoleon: Grand Tactics
Napoleon: Lines of Command
Napoleon: The Art of Command
Napoleon: The Art of Generalship
Napoleon: Command Decision
Napoleon: Command and Tactics
Napoleon: Order of Battle

'Napoleon: Order of Battle' is quite neat, a small play on words. You could then call the series 'The Order of Battle Series'; this first one would be 'Order of Battle: Napoleon', and your next expansion could be 'Order of Battle: Wellington'. :)

Whatever you decide on, good luck - looks like an excellent project.

Hors ligne JMM

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #24 le: 17 août 2005, 22:07:56 pm »
Welcome and Merci (Thank) for this deep contribution..

For this first version, I and --------- keep HistWar : Les Grognards...

and shelf impact (will you be selling in shops?) Maybe...  :wink:

I like several names within your list..  For me, the best is :

Napoleon: The Art of Command


Hors ligne Cantonese

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #25 le: 18 août 2005, 12:52:59 pm »

Just to say that the word "HistWar" is a great combination in itself.

Why not believing in its marketing value ?

I think that after your game is released, "HistWar" will become a wellknown brand of quality wargame.
In short, there will be wargame era before "HistaWar" and wargame era after.  :wink:

Hors ligne Link

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International name for Les Grognards?
« Réponse #26 le: 18 août 2005, 13:01:27 pm »
The game is in fact marketed as "Histwar: Les Grognards" at ---------.  :wink:

/Lars L.
Lars L.