Auteur Sujet: Using grand artillery corps  (Lu 7270 fois)

Hors ligne MarshalJean

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Using grand artillery corps
« le: 12 mai 2015, 15:13:51 pm »

I was wondering about the conventional wisdom within the community on the use of (basically) all artillery corps.  (I say "basically" because I realize that some players might include a few infantry or cavalry regiments for support/protection). 

Do you use them?  If so, how?  Do you keep them in reserve and then deploy them after you've watched the battle develop?  Do you deploy them in support (i.e. behind) an infantry corps?  Do you link an infantry corps in support/behind the artillery corps?  Do you deploy the artillery corps in double line, with a reserve, or do you place as many guns on the front line as possible?

Okay.  You get the picture.   :D

Thanks in advance.


Hors ligne [NBC]Friant

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Re : Using grand artillery corps
« Réponse #1 le: 12 mai 2015, 17:47:05 pm »
We used to use artillery corps quite often in our campaign games. 3 or 4 batteries to the corps. We then fielded limited artillery pieces (ie 1 gun per 1 ceh, so a 200 ceh army would have 200 guns of which only 25% could be 12pdrs) with 6,8 or 10 guns to a battery. Very good for defensive strategies, but because of the frontage of these 'grand batteries' it becomes very awkward when using them offensively.
The above 'rule' was used to stop sillyness with huge artillery armies and all artillery being 12 pdrs in mp games, we found the game ai handled smaller batteries better... 10 or 12 guns per battery max.
With new game engine changes I cannot say how they would perform now as I haven't used a formation of this type for a long while.
But, if I was to field one now I would definitely support it with a small cavalry corps using the link order, to have infantry within the corps itself may mean that not all guns would be used on the frontline, therefore nullifying the formation as a grand battery...
We never used a reserve, all guns would be placed on the frontline maximising the power of the all artillery corps. Definitely mix the gun calibre types ie 6, 8 and 12pdrs and howizters, try to keep only 2 calibres per battery, ie 6x6 pdr + 2 howis. 6x8 pdr + 2 howis. 8x1 pdr + 2howis and so on... hope this helps.

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Using grand artillery corps
« Réponse #2 le: 12 mai 2015, 17:48:04 pm »
Hello MJ

Interesting and difficult question.....

I'm curious to hear other opinions. :mrgreen:
For my personal vision i prefer alternate a INF with a battery in one line, enough close,but is not bad a single line with only batteries.This is a pretty powerful barrage.

The greatest danger is the enemy cavalry, sometimes really lethal.
If i see a enemy cav approaching, i give order to attack with individual orders with some my cav unit ,close enough.

Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Using grand artillery corps
« Réponse #3 le: 12 mai 2015, 18:48:02 pm »
I used to enjoy this....three main ways I used them.

1. In defence, if I was sure where the enemy would attack.
2, On the flank of my main assault if I was attacking.
3. Held back in Reserve if neither of the above, then moved to where most needed later.

As Friant said : a Lt Cav Corps linked in support would mostly protect them but if you have your doctrine set right, other Cav from nearby Corps will intercept any enemy attacks.

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Using grand artillery corps
« Réponse #4 le: 13 mai 2015, 07:19:16 am »
A pic.

1)Single line alternate INF and art , with two cav detatched for attack approaching enemy cav.
(INF in defence it is the better shield vs enemy cav.)

2)Single line only batteries.

« Modifié: 13 mai 2015, 07:30:54 am par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne MarshalJean

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Re : Using grand artillery corps
« Réponse #5 le: 13 mai 2015, 15:19:15 pm »
Thank you all so much!  This is all very helpful for me to consider as I form grand battery formations in the future.  Many good ideas, here!