Auteur Sujet: CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement  (Lu 8810 fois)

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CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« le: 30 janvier 2014, 22:55:02 pm »
Scale is dependant on your PC abilities, so that is flexible.

Battles will mainly be on the 30km Campaign map, so there will be less corners you can protect your flanks, you will have to come up with a way of protecting your flanks.

Army Commanders can disengage from the battle at the end of any of the 4 days of battle that suits, normally the game pauses at the end of each day so that will be the time when a Army Commander can disengange. By pressing the Army Commander surrender button. This way all the casualties will be accounted for and the figures to be returned to your CiC for the Strategic Campaign game. Figures taken will be the NEW Potential figures and recalculated back to your CiC.

For those Army Commanders where they need to talk to ther CiC make sure you know what he wants, out of the engangment. Unlike one to one battles, I dont think your CiC would enjoy your army decimated to the last man, so have acceptable casualty number in mind.
There will be a seperate thread post for each battle, at the end of the battle please have the current figures at the page where it has the New potential numbers.
« Modifié: 30 janvier 2014, 23:12:50 pm par gazfun »
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Re : CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« Réponse #1 le: 01 février 2014, 10:43:25 am »
Corps will have to made up according to Histwar guidlines depicted here. The meaning of CEH

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Re : CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« Réponse #2 le: 01 février 2014, 10:44:12 am »
Making ATG Corps will have to allign with Histwar and what was made historically see Method of Quota

If you own a copy of EiA "Empires in Armes" this also has a good Represntative.
« Modifié: 01 février 2014, 10:46:55 am par gazfun »
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Re : CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« Réponse #3 le: 01 février 2014, 10:50:27 am »
This Russia Force pool has been put here for a player that hasnt got a copy of EiA thanks Lancier  ;)

The values for each corps are not reflective on how you make up corps in this Campaign, but can be used as a guide, on many that where made historically

« Modifié: 02 février 2014, 00:23:52 am par gazfun »
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Re : CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« Réponse #4 le: 20 février 2014, 21:44:11 pm »
Players are expected to play within the spirit of the period, and it limitations
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Re : CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« Réponse #5 le: 12 mars 2014, 09:52:32 am »
30KM campaign map is used some may ask why, as  of other maps available in Histwar.
As it is part of the software package we are happy that there is more choice here, because more maneuver can be part of the battle. Some say that all would happen would be to send a regiment or of Cavalry around the rear, and cut off the LOC.  The further away a small regiments move away from the HQ the harder it is to control those units due to communication lines over a greater area, would be cut by the enemy.  And therefore negate any small force for doing so. Also any Army commander that would have his LOC unguarded doesn't understand the basic strategy required for a battle of this type. 
The other reason is that when a battle moves from Strategic to battlefield there is too much disparity between Strategic move to Battlefield movement that happens in a smaller battlefield map.  Our idea is and I believe from discussions I have had with JMM on this issue is that, we can begin the game at "Operational Level" and have to find the other Army depending on his demeanor, may want to make good defensive positions before coming to battle.  Also there is plenty of time should a defending army not wish to commit too much and perhaps fight on a better battlefield with reinforcement somewhere else.  The second phase is the battle itself  its on the same map as the Campaign Map should both side wish to make a further fight of it. Its more challenging as you have to be careful of knowing when is the best time to commit reserves etc. and its possible to have 2 battles (Like Auerstaed and Jena)with reinforcements arriving sometime within the 4 days, that the Campaign map is active, you don't have to set up another small battlefield.
Withdrawal can occur at the end of any day, (depending on the season designated by the Histwar Game) as most times they did, If one side received more losses. At one stage in the Battle of Waterloo when things where getting for the worse for Wellington when he said "give me night or give me Blucher"  as history recounts he got Blucher.
The convention at this time was if they had to withdraw,  there was a higher chance that they could so under the cover of darkness.  A full Army withdrawal was a risky business at best of times especially if both sides where toe to toe during the day, because if the enemy had the Cavalry it could pursue the other into the ground, and possibly cause a general rout.
Its easy to engage in a battle but its a lot harder to withdraw.
« Modifié: 22 mars 2014, 03:09:01 am par gazfun »
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Re : CiC and Army Commander Rules of Engagement
« Réponse #6 le: 14 mars 2014, 09:44:55 am »
It seems to become necessary to make this clearer due to a recent battle.
The Histwar battle conclude after either One side surrenders the battlefield to his opponent, or the game system declares a winner. As stated before the Histwar Campaign Map can go for 4 days.

The host must ensure that the End of Game screen is present to both sides at there end of the screen. Where the host will allow the other participants to get screenshots. Once this is achieved, the Host must place the finished video file of the battle for latter reference.

Then and only then are the end of game figures are used. No other figures will be counted. All Initial and Final figures have to be used in the same Battle :) where it shows the "new potential" figure are shown, this is used in the calculator provided.
End of days combat is when the the clock moves to D1 0800* (*time dependent on the season) when the game automatically pauses. The side wishing to leave the battlefield and end of the previous day may do so.  As soon as this is done, the battle is finished and the stats from the battlefield is taken by both sides.  The stats where there is the "New potential" figures have to be shown and where figures for both sides are shown only.
The battle on the Campaign Map will continue 50% of the time allocated for the first day, so if its summer (14 Hours) then there will be at least 7 hours that the engagement will continue, either side may withdraw after only by one side surrendering. The losses are counted after that white flag has been posted and the stats are that from that moment.
The attacking army who initiated the contact, must with all speed make all attempt, to make contact within the first half of the battle time allocated. If reinforcement are to be bought on, then the attacking Corps/Army that has all its units available must make contact, by at least small arms fire.
« Modifié: 05 août 2014, 13:21:11 pm par gazfun »
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