
How long would you want this Campaign to run winner highest VP average

1 to 2 Game years
0 (0%)
3 to 4 Game years
0 (0%)
5 to 6 Game years
4 (100%)
7 to 8 Game years
0 (0%)
9 to 10 Game years
0 (0%)

Total des votants: 4

Vote clôturé: 24 décembre 2013, 12:12:49 pm

Auteur Sujet: New campaign parameters discussions for next year  (Lu 7083 fois)

Hors ligne gazfun

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New campaign parameters discussions for next year
« le: 09 décembre 2013, 12:09:03 pm »
With ATG Campaign Engine all but finished. I want to start conversations about how long this will run.
These rules are also in the ATG Napoleonic Mods Scenario Description.


If you wish to play the battle in TPB rules please use the rules below

1.             All units are in HWLG CEH Values

2.           Combat procedures are completed in either of 2 ways ATG combat systems where an attack is done versus 1 defender Corps or unit,  this is know as Trivial Combat .  All  other combat is done by Third Party Battle (TPB) using Histwar les Grognards or Histwar Napoleon game system.
Third Party system will follow the below steps:

a.             Only the current phasing player can initaite a TPB, providing there is enough Action Points (100Pts) and the stacking points of the attacking phasing player must be 200 CEH or under to do so, and at the end of the phasing players move turn can initiate TPB where apllicable and must be resolved before any Trivial Combat in the same turn.

b.            Where the TPB occurs the current phasing player must indicate as per diagrams or screenshots where these battles are to take place. Also making screenshots  of the defenders army, and copies to be sent to the defender. In ATG map close mode.

c.            When all TPB concludes for the phasing player, the CEH end calculation as per HWLG Stats Screen only using the "New Potential" figures as a percntage lose for each army is transfered to a "dead Corps" units in ATG admin and then the Dead Corps unit will have the battle name in the description, and later removed, this will be verified by ATG message to players accordingly.
In the subsquent player turn, of these TPB losses are also are to be transferred in the same way, before the next phasing player does any moves or trvial battles in ATG or by TPB. And the handling of these losses in the same way as the previous active player written as above.

d.           Withdrawal of the defending player after TPB must occur after casualties have been taken and if the defender has lost the battle only with a result of Strategic loss of any kind in HWLG.

« Modifié: 23 décembre 2013, 05:29:49 am par gazfun »
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
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Hors ligne gazfun

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  • Messages: 876
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    • The Generals HQ
Re : New campaign parameters discussions for next year
« Réponse #1 le: 26 décembre 2013, 11:12:49 am »
Unanimously we have all agreed to a campaign 5 to 6 years starting from 1805. After which we can decide to continue from there.

Write your own History!

Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
Histwar Les Grognards beta tester