Auteur Sujet: F4 a question for JMM  (Lu 10712 fois)

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F4 a question for JMM
« le: 21 décembre 2011, 19:39:21 pm »
Bonjour JMM   :!:
The F4 map view today was introduced to AJ and Gunner24  :lol:  during an MP game.
and we were wondering if the smoke or a flame animation could be introduced to
show units engaged in battle  regardless of FOG of War.  As you know not all units are visible
with FOW even in F4 view including those to the immediate front of  say 2 corps engaged in combat.

In F2  we can see when units are engaged in a firefight attack ect, can you make it so that the same
graphic effects appear on the F4 view  JMM  ?

is it a  :twisted: idea or what ?    :lol:


zu Pferd
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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #1 le: 21 décembre 2011, 20:01:43 pm »
I had looked at it before, but not often, with added graphics it could become the main screen to give Corps orders in place of F2 - which most of us use now.

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #2 le: 21 décembre 2011, 20:02:44 pm »
OK.. added to the list...
I have to define the time for doing that.. if no huge work, I'll add on the first or second RC of the version 04a...


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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #3 le: 21 décembre 2011, 20:18:50 pm »
F4 view is my favorite! We have the natural obstacles, terrain, good distances, the real size of the regiments, in short everything you need .... With some animations great!!  ;)

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #4 le: 21 décembre 2011, 21:36:07 pm »
Yes, I agree. F4 would be much more user -friendly than the 2D OTAN map where the symbols often overlaps. The only reason why I am not using F4 is :

1) the lack of animations for engagements
2) the difficulty to discriminate between cav or inf unit
3) the difficulty to select quickly one unit to micromanage
4) and... sorry but I dislike the matchboxes symbols: I would prefer a shadow on the ground or a pseudo realistic animation with the exact scale of the units.

.. but the dream for a far future would be to have a de-zooming option of the battle field  allowing to do everything on the  real 3D terrain

By the way JMM, I think that it would be great (when you have time) if you could change a little bit the OTAN symbols to allow us to distinguish between heavy and light cav and also between light infantry and ligne inf (as you did for elite units). May be just by adjusting the thikness of the boxes (of course, if you could do the same for F4...).

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Re : Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #5 le: 23 décembre 2011, 06:25:49 am »
OK.. added to the list...
I have to define the time for doing that.. if no huge work, I'll add on the first or second RC of the version 04a...


Much obliged JMM   :p
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #6 le: 29 décembre 2011, 04:21:35 am »
Mmm... I think F4 could be the real winner view for gamers who come across from tabletops, if it is made just a little more user friendly.   There are times - like in a campaign sized map battle where the F2 view becomes useless, when I have primarily used F4. 

Some possible improvements could be....

You want to see some simple combat visuals
You want more than I soldier per battalion (3? 4?)
You want better MODs for the 'matchboxes'
Possibly a slight exaggeration of the elevations; and is there a chance to give it some very simple terrain?  Think what a table game looks like.

"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #7 le: 29 décembre 2011, 11:00:25 am »
Totally agree with HarryInk,

a few weeks ago I posted something similar to this argument in General Discussion and Wish List
I would really appreciate an improvement in the symbolic view, obviously animations are welcome
but personally first of all I'd like to see
- improvement on terrain details (woods, buildings, bridges, elevations) : give a 3d shape to objects
- substitute 1 soldier x battalion with more soldiers (just like miniatures games)... no need for animations

« Modifié: 29 décembre 2011, 11:04:35 am par Andrea »

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #8 le: 29 décembre 2011, 11:52:58 am »
Just add an animation like in 2D to know when the units that are engaged

Hors ligne oho

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #9 le: 29 décembre 2011, 12:49:37 pm »
I think F4 could be the winner if we can better distinct cav and inf and engagements. That would be a great improvement.

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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #10 le: 29 décembre 2011, 14:44:02 pm »
OK for all.. THX for the feedback...


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Re : F4 a question for JMM
« Réponse #11 le: 29 décembre 2011, 18:11:34 pm »
As I told in another post, I would prefer in 3d and F4 map the units and clashs in FOW respect the commanders don't appears, tehy create only confusion about what situation is real and what not at that moment.  Of course for units not in FOW, clash animation also in F4 map will be great.
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