Auteur Sujet: Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)  (Lu 7960 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)
« le: 28 septembre 2011, 23:27:38 pm »
Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)

Fix an issue in the patch 03b (RC5) about the Order of Battle Editor.

You can build your OoB files with:
a) 28 cannons within the Foot Artillery Companies
b) 16 cannons within the Horse Artillery Companies
Moreover, LGdN is not yet able to manage all cannons.
So, you can build your OoB files BUT you must not use in the game itself : Wait for a next version!


Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)
« Réponse #1 le: 28 septembre 2011, 23:56:58 pm »
This is about an Artillery "Company" not a "Battery", I had always thought the artillery unit in HW was a battery ?.

It sounds like this will increase the number of cannons in battles by about double - is that right ?.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)
« Réponse #2 le: 29 septembre 2011, 00:14:49 am »
This is about an Artillery "Company" not a "Battery", I had always thought the artillery unit in HW was a battery ?.
It sounds like this will increase the number of cannons in battles by about double - is that right ?.

I believe the right name at the Napoleonic epoch is "company".
I am no sure "battery" was used at this epoch; maybe the historians have translated the company to battery.

Yes, the potential strength is double... that said, over 14 cannons for foot artillery, only one cannon for two will be displayed (at least in the next version 04)
I'll try to display one 3D model for each canon in the version 05 (HistWar II)


Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)
« Réponse #3 le: 29 septembre 2011, 11:16:58 am »
Thanks, I see now, the subject seems a bit confusing, having had a quick look here -

With (possibly) such large Artillery units [Companies/Batteries] in future battles we may have to take more care, they will be a big powerfull unit to lose, but a hard one to attack, and I expect an "expensive" one to have in the OOB.

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : Patch OoB Editor 03b (RC5)
« Réponse #4 le: 29 septembre 2011, 19:55:13 pm »
Thank you for these improvements for the cannons and regiments.

I tested an OoB I'm working on and in which the number of French regiments were reduced significantly. So I could easily lower the minimum with this patch, unless of course, as stated by JMM in the french Forum, for a regiment with 1 squadron.
Minimum two squadrons with 150 cavalrymen.
