The 10 Km Waterloo map which came with the Belgium 1815 campaign mod has incorrect elevation data.
For the correction and the location of troops on the new map see: is easy to make errors in handling the satellite data so it helps if the resulting elevations can be checked by comparing to a contour map of part of the area or to a historic map which may show the topography…
NB One possible source of error is the orientation of the area defined for the HistWar map when placing the corner ‘marker pins ‘ on Google Earth. (see Bucepos ver 3 method).
The rectangular area so defined must be accurately oriented North-South and East-West.
To check this, just record the longitude and latitude of all four corners of your histwar area. The top two should have the same latitude (to within 3 decimal places), top left longitude should be the same as bottom left etc.
Also you can display all longitude and latitudes as decimal degrees in Google Earth (go to Tools>Options>3DView and select decimal degrees). This saves yourself the trouble of having to convert deg min sec to decimal as in the Brucepos instructions!