Guys you cant have hearts as small as a mouse on this issue, just because things dont happen when you want it to happen.
Im sorry but you guys arent the beggining and end of MP gaming in this community....we have our OOB ready, for this weekend, but if you think we are to hot for you, well I can understand that
Ops, that does not sound a very frindly post.....still, never mind.
There is nothing to stop anyone playing anyone in MP, at any time, it makes no difference if NBC play or not.....there was hardly any activity in "clan wars" so NapLrd cancelled it.
NBC will fight THQ in MP games - if you want to.
AJ spent a lot of time last week arranging a game, NBC were there at the agreed time, GHQ were not there....we can try again for this weekend if you want to, and the next, and the get the idea, some of us do want to play MP, not just chat about playing MP.