As far as my comments on Quatre Bras are concerned, my point is that you should only call it Quatre Bras - if it is reasonably accurately based on that battle. Otherwise, it's just "A fictional battle based on the QB map". As far as the map itself goes, I thought one or two features were not quite right, particularly the wood of the hunchback looking a bit thin.
The map was a map, and nothing else. It had a "health" warning with it, I will be the first to admit it is not perfect, it was never meant to be, if it was I would not even attempted to make it, or any other we have a choice, NOT make "perfect" maps or make maps that are interesting to fight MP games on.
Having said all that, if I had not named it as such, many people may have thought "that looks a bit like QB in the 1815 campaign".
That said, it's good that people are taking the time and trouble to produce these add-ons which I'm sure, in the fullness of time, will be a great asset to the game
Thank you, the more "stuff" the better, even if it's not all used, it is there for the choice to use it or not.
Back to subject : Deployment.....if JMM can change this in later versions we will all be very pleased, so not's let get side tracked into worrying about things that are there to be used or not - as AJ says.
ps-If you want to get the full enjoyment out of LG you would be well advised to get involved in PBEM and MP with real people, it's 100 times better than solo.