It's killing me not reading your AAR Spec! I will be intrigued to see the battle from your perspective when we have finished the battle and the mighty Coalition army has introdued Napoleon to his Montebello
I feel the same, except for ... we both know that Zar Alexander will eventually have to retreat, once he starts listening to his wise General Kutuzov!
Officier d'HistWar Spec10,
Officier d'HistWar Ross-ntu
Very interesting...
I read your AAR with a great interest.
I believe this kind of AAR allows to promote the game.. and you give me some ideas about the next tutorials.
Thank you a lot, and Enjoy
It's a pleasure to help this game. At first I was very sceptic and didn't even want to buy it, but I'm glad I did. Now I feel the urge to make people see how much fun this game is. The more people play it, the better for the community.
Because it was designed by "Montebello", the alias of one of the most distinguished beta testers of HWLG.
Nice job, BTW
Hehe ok that makes sense, thanks for clearing that up.