Auteur Sujet: Idea for sound mod  (Lu 5034 fois)

Hors ligne Stoppelhopser

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Idea for sound mod
« le: 14 août 2010, 19:14:05 pm »
Playing Histwar at the evening I often run into the following problem:

If you want to hear say marching infantry or cavalry the moment the first cannon shoots your ears are blowing off! The neighbours can't sleep etc...  Headphones are a good thing but the problems persists. If the sound is loud enough to hear lesser sounds you get the shock of your life if you pan close to a artillery position. If you turn volume down to only hear the cannon the battlefield feels like a silent movie.

So what would be a good thing in my humble opinion would be a sound mod where the loudest sounds are capped and the smaller sounds are upped. So that in theory you could pan the 3D battlefield to your hearts content and still hear marching feet and don't get a heart attack when the cannons let off.

Or ist there any ini or such where I can tune the individual loudness of sounds ?

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Idea for sound mod
« Réponse #1 le: 14 août 2010, 19:39:38 pm »
I am going to work with another 3D sound  library.
This new one is more easy and it's able to support the ogg format.
So, I will rework the sounds.. yet a few patience  :p


Hors ligne Hook

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Re : Idea for sound mod
« Réponse #2 le: 15 août 2010, 02:36:54 am »
Or ist there any ini or such where I can tune the individual loudness of sounds ?

In the Constante folder you'll find a file Sons.txt which is the ini file for the sounds.

The format is easy to understand, but the effects of changes aren't.  The lines you'd be most interested in are:

20 2 1 F 1600 musket1   
21 2 1 F 800 musket2   
22 2 0 F 1600 canon04   
23 2 0 F 2500 canon08   
24 2 0 F 3200 canon12   

The first two are musket sounds and are there just for comparison.  The last three are the cannon sounds.

The volume is the large number, 800 through 3200.  You can also see in the file where the horse sounds are in the 300 to 16oo range.

Unfortunately, the volume doesn't work quite the way you'd think.  The sounds themselves are played at full volume at the source, and the number is the distance where the volume drops to zero.  You can edit the volume of the original sound in Microsoft's sound recorder, in XP it's Start->Accessories->Entertainment->SoundRecorder (just be sure to save a copy of the original) .  You can change the numbers in the file, just remember that a small change can make a major difference, and some sounds might get dropped.  Getting a good balance is difficult.  In my experiments with a different game, the sounds were either too loud, heard too far away, or not there at all.

Good luck.


Hors ligne Stoppelhopser

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Re : Idea for sound mod
« Réponse #3 le: 15 août 2010, 12:28:50 pm »
Thank you JMM and Hook.

I found the free audio program Audacity and might play around with that a bit.

JMM, take all the time you need  8) .

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Re : Idea for sound mod
« Réponse #4 le: 15 août 2010, 12:58:01 pm »
Do you try my mod sound ? You can find it the depot.

For the sons.txt file the largest number is the distance where you hear the sound, not the volume.