Auteur Sujet: How does Fog of War work?  (Lu 4208 fois)

Hors ligne Cpl Steiner

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How does Fog of War work?
« le: 13 décembre 2009, 16:39:57 pm »
Hi all,

Today I played the demo on "Grognard" level, thinking this would give me the most realistic settings. However, when I moved the camera around the 3D map, I could see enemy formations on the reverse slopes of wooded hills, even though they weren't shown on the 2D map. Are all enemy units supposed to be visible all of the time in the 3D view, even on the highest Fog of War settings? I was hoping for something more like "Combat Mission: Shock Force", in which enemy units only appear in the 3D view when spotted by friendly units.

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : How does Fog of War work?
« Réponse #1 le: 13 décembre 2009, 16:51:29 pm »
In the current demo the view is not limited to the army commander at grognard difficulty.  This should be corrected in the next version.

From your commander's viewpoint you might still see enemy units that aren't shown on the 2D map, but they'll be far away and virtually unrecognizable.


Hors ligne Gunfreak

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Re : How does Fog of War work?
« Réponse #2 le: 13 décembre 2009, 17:05:05 pm »
I think he is thiknig of the fact that you can see enemy all the time, even if they are not with in the view distance of your units.

I have that to, I should only see enemy when they can be seen by my units, but I can see the enemy all the time

Hors ligne Hook

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Re : How does Fog of War work?
« Réponse #3 le: 13 décembre 2009, 17:17:20 pm »
I understand, but grognard setting should lock your 3D camera to the viewpoint of the commander and currently does not.  If it's locked to your commander, you won't see much of the battlefield.  The unrealistic part is moving the camera all over the battlefield.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I'm locked to the commander's viewpoint, I still want to see things like smoke from faraway cannons and the occasional flag or troops that I can actually see, even if these units aren't "spotted" and showing on the 2D map.


Hors ligne Hook

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Re : How does Fog of War work?
« Réponse #4 le: 13 décembre 2009, 17:26:12 pm »
There's another setting that grognard doesn't turn on that would make things even more difficult:  set Friendly Visibility to Conditional.  That way you don't see where all your friendly units are, either, and you have to relay on reports from the various corps commanders.


Hors ligne FranzVonG

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Re : Re : How does Fog of War work?
« Réponse #5 le: 13 décembre 2009, 19:02:06 pm »
I understand, but grognard setting should lock your 3D camera to the viewpoint of the commander and currently does not.  If it's locked to your commander, you won't see much of the battlefield.  The unrealistic part is moving the camera all over the battlefield.

This. I hope that the 2d map will show the same units that I can see from my CiC, not less (maybe more, with the reports from the other corps)
Lieutenant Franz von G., Cmdr. of the Lègion du Midi, 15th Division, IV Corps, Grande Armée.