I did some tests with the demo.
I chose to control both armies using the third tutorial OoB for one battle and the Montebello OoB for two battles.
For each side I chose 1 corps with roughly the same amount of men and same quality troops.
(However, the CC's had slightly different values)
All other troops of the army were put as far back as possible. The single fighting corps were positioned as far forward as possible and ordered to deploy on the enemy position. This results in the two opposing corpses to move on each other.
The idea was to observe what happens when single corps meet each other for battle, how they move and how they try to overcome the enemy.
All this without intervention of other corps.
I did 3 scenarios:
1. infantry corps vs infantry corps
2. infantry corps vs infantry corps with Cavalry support on both sides
3. infantry corps vs infantry corps with Cavalry and artillery support on both sides
In 1. both corpses clash, start retreat movements and clash again until the french prevail. What's interesting here is the duration of firefights, occasional bayonet charges, different tactics but also a bug that causes a russian unit to freeze in its position when out of ammo, while showing "Escape". All the while being shot by two enemy regiments from the flanks. Each volley of the two flanking regiments combined caused only 5 dead. It was also disappointing that the french didn't try to flank.
2. shows nicely how cavalry changes the battle dynamics, but also how it's wasted by the CC and is standing around doing nothing when it could easily flank
3. see 1 and 2 plus it shows how the artillery isn't being put to good use. The Cavalry deemed it nessecary to call in horse artillery support from the other corps. I tried to prevent that by detaching the called upon units and sending them back. One or two rounds may have been firered nonetheless.
Unfortunately, I can only view the replays by frame stepping, I can't watch them continuously. That may be because I haven't played the battles to their end. I aborted them after a while. false alarm.
Here's a link if you'd like to watch them:
http://rapidshare.com/files/317476081/Grognards_replays.rarMaybe you could do some tests yourself, as I described above and report your findings here.