Hold on a minute, that would make MP a 1v1 game ?........if you have three players on each side, but only ONE person each side can give Corps orders, the other two will be sitting around not doing much, OR, they will be using ALL individual orders and thereby abusing the Corps orders delay - I don't think that is a great idea.
For me, what we have now is ideal.
Anything that encourages people to play it like a TW game giving every single unit individual INSTANT orders should be avoided.
Hi Gunner
If you are a corps commander of course your rapport with the units is different respect that of CiC, this is clear also from the different set of commands; you have deploy for the corps level not attack like for the regiment. So for me is clear the CiC must manage the operational level not the micromanagement, at the same time why the CC must start to detach units when not necessary (aka before the contact with the enemy)? Of course I don't want the game becomes a TW style, but is a fact of reality, in a true field of battle, that the commanders near the troops act and react with more "realtime" respect the CiC, sometime against the CiC. Exactly because I think LG has the potential to become one of better simulator of command of ever, I did this proposal; actually what we have in multi is a maximum of 4 CiC with the fow of CCs.
I don't like report comparisons with other games especially if differents in the substance, but I started to play at SOW with some of Legio's clan (i think you know some of them) at the maximum realism, and it is one of more intense experience of simulation I had. The order transmission, the commands, the FOW respect the hierarchy of OOB in the field, and this is important in the perspective of a team battle in multi.
Of course actually JMM, whose work and dedication have my complete admiration, in this moment has more important things to complete and implement, but because I like this game I want it better and more appreciated, I think a more complete team multi, where the roles in the chain of command are more determined, will help it greatly.